Does capitalism always have to be so... gaudy? | |
Welcome to the 17 Nov 2000 archive of Stream - you can click the planet to the left to get back to Jimbo's World if you're lost. |
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This is the part of the site where I don't have to screw about with formatting, or layouts, or anything else. I just bang on the keyboard like a diseased monkey, and *poof* - instant content! Guess what part of the site's most likely to get updated on a regular basis? Right. | ![]() |
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17 Nov 2000 | ![]() |
18:14 | The fine art of fucking with elderly Wal-Mart cashiers late at night (Jimbo) | ||||||||
Turns out I accidentally linked the same fucking cute-little-kitten flash when I meant to (and said I did) link this mpeg here in that update about "what big kitties think of cute little kittens" down there. Dammit! Oh well, it's fixed now. But on to the actual subject of the update at hand, I thought you folks might be amused by this little anecdote: I've always told Trava that I would buy tampons for her if she ever needed them - which astonished her, since, of course, that's supposedly something that "guys just don't do." She decided to put this willingness to buy girly stuff for her to the test last night, by sending me out to procure some pantyhose for her. Aha! The stakes have been upped! So off I head to Wal-Mart at 11 PM, instructed in stern tones to make sure I get "L'eggs Silkenmist, color Nude, size A, one box sheer toe and one box enhanced toe." Got it. For you guys out there, who probably know nothing more about pantyhose sizes than I did, "A" is the smallest size available - Trava is 5'3" and about 110# . (This seemingly trivial factoid will be important towards the end of our story.) Once I located the pantyhose in the rather sprawling female clothing department at Wal-Mart, I made a discovery: Pantyhose displays are not organized in any even faintly logical fashion. This is doubly irritating when you realize that there are more varieties of pantyhose in a typical display than there are flavors of ice cream behind a typical Baskin-Robbins counter: in the L'eggs brand alone, the color selection includes (but is not limited to) Nude, Ebony Mist, Jet Black, Taupe, Off-White, Dirty Cream, White, Suntan, Snow, Yellow Snow, Colombian Cocaine, Caucasian Semen, and Asian Poo. All of these colors are available in "Silkenmist", "Sheer Comfort", or "Gatorback Steel-Belted 50-series" varieties... and any of the resulting combinations can be had with "Sheer Toe", "Enhanced Toe", "Reinforced Toe", or "Shit-Kicking Steel Toe For Foundry Workers And Bull-Dyke Lesbians." Once you've narrowed all that down, then you can worry about whether or not they've got the proper size. Eventually, I secured the requisite two boxes of L'eggs Silkenmist, size A, color Nude hose (one Sheer Toe, one Enhanced Toe) - and off to the checkout counter I went, a mere 15 minutes before closing. As it turns out, nobody but myself and the 68-or-so-year-old female cashier was in sight... and when she started casting nervous looks from the two boxes of delicate hosiery to the 220-pound man who just put them in front of her with an expectant look on his face, well... That was when I knew the fun was about to begin. The second time she looked from the hosiery to me while she was ringing it up, clearly confused, and just as clearly afraid to ask, I allowed a slightly puzzled look, followed by an enlightened realization sort of look, to chase themselves quickly across my face. "Oh, those aren't for me," I said... with just the slightest trace of oh-so-subtle "sweetheart" tone in my voice, very carefully inflected to be audible, but only barely so. Clearly even more confused and unsure, she darted an even more nervous glance between me and my purchases and nodded quickly, almost furtively, as I swiped my credit card through the terminal. Again looking at the hosiery myself, I let a little grin out, made ruthless eye contact and said "oh come on honey... you know I could never fit into an A." And with a self-deprecating little chuckle, I sashayed my way right on out the store.
17:39 | No, we won't deal you in Mr. Nader - a few quick notes (Baldghoti) | ||||||||
I know the presidential election is close, but damn. Maybe being made of wood will come in handy for Gore--he'll need a good pokerface.. Oh, and Laural sent me a link to the single most tasteful and mature take on this election. (you'll have to scroll down a bit for the Flash movie, and you might want to make sure you can deal with penis humor) Enjoyed that, did you? You sick fuck. Go read Smile or I'll poke you in the nose. I still have The Conscious Beast lying around in TXT format somewhere on my computer--I'm considering releasing it in serial format after Smile's done, to keep the serial goodness flowing. Finally, now that I'm on a high-traffic E/N site, I want to request breasts... not for me, but for The Evil Project. You see, we've been trying to do Don Knotts a big favor...
08:20 | Oh, shit! (Jimbo) | ||||||||
08:12 |
Kittens are ugly little fuckers (Baldghoti) | ||||||||
07:45 | Did the cute kitty get on your nerves? (Jimbo) | ||||||||
06:48 | Featured Content (Jimbo) | ||||||||
Keith M's ever-popular ongoing-serial-teenage-drama-with-naked-chicks, Smile, is now hosted here at Jimbo's World. Read it, biatch!
06:35 |
Let's get naked! (Baldghoti) | ||||||||
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14 Nov 2000 | ![]() |
02:43 | I imagine composing electronica must have been considerably more difficult in 1983 (Jimbo) | |
I went searching on Napster tonight for some "flashback tunes" - anybody else remember Tangerine Dream? You have to respect those guys... it had to have been really fucking hard to be pure electronica before the mid-90's techno explosion. What I didn't find were any songs from any of the old Tangerine Dream tapes that I owned back in the day... but sometimes, it's what you don't expect - what you've completely forgotten about - that grabs you the hardest. What I did find is a rather poignant, if primitive by today's standards, ambient piece from the Risky Business soundtrack. Risky Business was my very first "date" movie... and you know, I hadn't thought about that movie - which I never saw again - for years, but hearing Love On An L Train tonight brought it all back like it was yesterday. I felt like the luckiest seventh grader in the world that day, "taking" two gorgeous girls, one of whom I was very much in young love with, to a movie. (My mom, who kicks much ass, drove us to the theater, got us tickets for the R-rated movie through what she probably never realized was sheer force of cashier intimidation, and promptly drove away as soon as we walked in the door.) And it was an adult-themed movie, with full frontal nudity (for you younguns, that was a much bigger deal in 1983 than it is now), at that! You know, this may sound sappy as hell, but that was one of the very best days of my life. Tangerine Dream - Love On An L Train (mp3, 4.8MB)
If artificial intelligence is a myth, how did it know I was Mr. Furley? (Jimbo) | ||
Clicky-clicky, and play Guess The Dictator or Sit-Com Character!
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13 Nov 2000 | ![]() |
22:03 | Tamarind is Nature's candy! (Keith M) | |||||
Okay, now I'm gonna stick another piece in my mouth and type as I eat, stream of consciousness style: smells sorta okay... alright, here it goes biting... chewing.,.,.f salfhk fuck.... really bad!Q!!! FUCK!! OHD SHIWHSS (Mark transcribes my cries while I'm in the bathroom) Okay, I had to run to the bathroom and spit it out. I couldn't take it. The bits stuck in my teeth are still burning. I should have recorded this, so you could hear me break into spontaneous swearing followed by spitting and lots of running water. That's it, no more fucking tamarind for me, ever. I mean, sweet fuck...
20:31 | Sorry this isn't about farting presidents or dancing cats (Chess Piece Face) |
Pursuant to my life-long dream
of not being fucking poor forever I have had to cave in and get a roommate for my
apartment. Knowing nobody personally who needed a room to rent my only option was to
advertise the room in the local paper and pray that they wouldn't all be freaks. And since
pointing out people's flaws and laughing at them is a lot of fun, I figured I would share
my experience.
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12 Nov 2000 | ![]() |
19:13 | Jimbo, Chess Piece Face, Baldghoti, and Keith M (Keith M) | ||||||
Otherwise known as Jim, Erik, Rob, and Keith. Abbreviated, that spells JERK. Coincidence? I'll leave it up to you fuckheads to decide.
10:40 |
More political-figure-bashing fun (Jimbo) | ||||||
File under "so cute you just might hurl" (Jimbo) | ||||
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11 Nov 2000 | ![]() |
23:44 |
Kudos to you, Circuit City! (Baldghoti) | |||
Finally, someone has recognized that
anorexic/bulimic women are the height of unattractiveness, not the height of gorgeousness.
Despite the continued attempts of fashionbois to tell us "no, really, she
looks great if she's starving to death", Circuit City's current ad campaign has said,
to misquote David Spade,
The aforemetioned Circuit City advert features an overweight man using a digital camera and a bit of slick graphic work to turn himself into a Chippendales' dancer, and sending it to a waiflike bird-woman. Further proof that today's man prefers his dumps like a truck.
06:43 |
BWAHAHAHAHA! (Jimbo) | |||
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10 Nov 2000 | ![]() |
17:21 |
Meet your future president! (Jimbo) | |||||
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09 Nov 2000 | ![]() |
18:33 |
At least I can still type (Baldghoti) |
While en route to my physics course (on a bike
path, I might add), I can usually hit 20 miles an hour (it's mostly downhill). So, then
some JACKASS decides to suddenly cross a bike path (on foot). By Florida law, a bicycle is
a vehicle. And if you hit a pedestrian with a vehicle, and the pedestrian is injured, the
fault goes entirely to the driver of the vehicle. Stupid law, but it's the law. That flashed through my mind, and I turned. And turned. And went ass over heels. And, long story short, I'm now slingin' the old right arm--mister Pedestrian gave me a nice little fracture of the right radius, and some minor internal bleeding. I commented to the doctor that "all my judo training must have worn off", and he told me that I was damn lucky. In judo, you're taught to slap with impact, it takes the shock off of impact. The doctor told me that if I HADN'T been trained in judo, I'd be sporting a cast right now. As I was leaving the campus medical center, my nurse asked "Did you remember to ask the doctor if you should sleep with it [the sling]?" So, I turned around, went back into the doctor's office and asked, "Should I sleep with this? Or do I have to buy it dinner first?" I love being a smartass, even if part of my skeletal structure is cracked. (That's not all that's cracked, Rob.
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08 Nov 2000 | ![]() |
18:38 |
The resemblance is rather obvious (Jimbo) | ||||||||
17:31 |
Keith Shabadoo's Big Adventure (Keith M) | ||||||||
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07 Nov 2000 | ![]() |
08:36 |
Blow the monkey, and win a mouthful of monkey-cum! (Jimbo) | |||||
07:46 |
Random cartoon (Jimbo) | |||||
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07:32 |
Tabloid journalism (Jimbo) | |||||
From an article in Salon:
Now that's entertainment. And on to the next celebrity... according to AltaVista, Britney Spears has "clearly shed her image as a pure-as-virgin-snow teen princess." Uhhhh... what "pure-as-virgin-snow" image? You mean somebody bought that whole "I only dress like a teenage coke whore to stay cool while I'm dancing on stage, why do all those creepy menfolk want me" line...? Frankly, I don't see how nipple piercing and drunken bar dancing (sorry guys, that's not a link to a video clip) can do anything to further cheapen her image. And before we end our morning of yellow rag journalism, a quote:
Heh heh heh... nice to know it comes easy to
you, dear.
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06 Nov 2000 | ![]() |
19:23 |
More link whoring (Jimbo) | |||
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05 Nov 2000 | ![]() |
08:36 |
I'm not a Clinton-basher, but this one slew me (Jimbo) | ||||||
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04 Nov 2000 | ![]() |
15:02 |
Somebody finally stuck it to the bastard (Baldghoti) | ||||||||
If you're like me, and you enjoy mocking
fundamentalists, then you've probably been to CAPAlert
and had a good chuckle at their movie reviews. Well, someone's made a dead-on accurate
parody of them, with a brilliant imitation of the author's writing style. You can check it
out riiiiight
here. On another note, I'm working on a little parody of my own. Assistance would be appreciated - I've got a concept but very little content at the moment.
11:17 |
I really want to hate everything MTV airs... (Baldghoti) | ||||||||
....but I can't. Unfortunately. There are three
shows that make MTV worth watching.
Out of these three shows, the first is rarely aired, the second is aired only late at night, and is certainly destined for cancellation, and the third is back from a long absence that's sure to repeat itself. My solution? A trade. Comedy Central trades Win Ben Stein's Money and rights to the old episodes of South Park to MTV for the right to air Jackass and Tom Green. They're both owned by Viacom, and we all know that Comedy Central is where Jackass and Tom Green both belong. Either that or we fire a cruise missile at 1515 Times Square during a taping of TRL. Either would make me happy. (Win Ben Stein's Money rules, you damned Philistine. -Jimbo)
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03 Nov 2000 | ![]() |
18:16 |
I'd like my laptop in mahogany, please (Chess Piece Face) | ||||||||||
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01 Nov 2000 | ![]() |
08:36 |
You didn't dig far enough, CPF (Jimbo) | ||||||
08:36 |
Ahhh, the halcyon days of youth (Baldghoti) | ||||||
02:07 |
Will Jimbo let me title this "Jimbo is a dirty fuck?" I bet he will! (Keith M) |
After my last post it was brought to my
attention that some of you are already intimately familiar with any and every site that
has ever been nominated "Cruel Site of the Day".
Well fuck you guys; I'm gonna tell you about a site you've already been to, and you're
gonna sit there and like it. A few months ago Jentastic Jen led me to The Ultimate Temple of Charles Kerr Hatred. With a name like that I knew it had to be good, and a line in the opening page confirmed it: "Those who have actually met (Charles Kerr) bring up the subject of physically destroying him with no prompting from myself." Actually, the weird thing is that on my return visit to the UToCKH, it just didn't seem as funny. On my first visit I had a great time, falling deeper and deeper into the pit that is Charles A. Kerr as Jen and I sent quotes from the site back and forth to each other, holding our sides while we laughed and laughed. This time, however, I jumped in with a big smile and left half an hour later feeling eerily depressed. For a brief moment I considered not recommending the site, but if I start actually trying to reach some level of quality in my posts Jimbo will never reach the point of regretting letting me loose on his page, as I swore on my mother's deathbed (where she was sleeping restfully at the time) that he someday would. That would also explain why I'm writing this in the wee hours of the morning in a state which can only barely be referred to as "conscious", and why I let that last sentence run so badly. With that said, I'll leave you with this powerfully moving quote, courtesy of the one and only Charles Kerr: "God's a woman... God's a woman... God's a woman and a man, he's both. I think prolly he is. He's all things, isn't he? He? Or she?"
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