You'd be surprised how many people are the former; wrestling fans are everywhere,
it's the most popular show on tv, but most people keep it to themselves because of its
"redneck" stigma. Granted there are a lot of morons who watch wrestling -- Stone
Cold Steve Austin baffles the hell out of me, he's just this big dumb guy who drinks beer
and people love him. But what you've gotta understand is that wrestling is a package
designed to appeal to a large number of people and is the only show that actually succeeds
-- for every character aimed at stupid hicks there are a half dozen aimed at the smart
people in the audience. Pick any non-animated comedy or action show (with the possible
exception of the unfortunately titled Buffy: The Vampire Slayer) and I'll guarantee
you that wrestling kicks its sorry ass several times a week, week in and week out. I'd
also like to point out that wrestling's not funny in an ironic, "gee isn't this
stupid" way, it really is funny. I swear on my right testicle that if you
fucks would just watch the motherfucking thing you'd be as hooked as I am.
I understand your situation, however. WWF only
pulled itself out of its pit of awfulness in the last few years, and before that it truly
did suck. I also thought it was garbage designed for the very young and the very stupid
until I was cajoled into watching a few episodes, and wrestling has definitely changed.
It's one of the most well written, genuinely hilarious and exciting shows around. So stop
running your fucking mouths and just trust me on this. Next Monday when you've got nothing
else to do, get a bunch of friends and watch RAW. Once you get to know the
characters you'll be kicking yourself for not watching it sooner. And keep in mind that
it's not wrestling itself that rules, it's just the WWF -- their competition, World
Championship Wrestling, puts on a shitty show that I wouldn't recommend for anything
beyond seeing the occasional half-naked woman, which WWF's got covered anyway.
And don't even start about wrestling being fake
-- "real" wrestling is boring as piss and I've got no desire to actually see
people get hurt. Think about what you're saying before you pull out that tiresome
argument; if it was "real", would you start watching? No? Then shut the fuck up!
I'm telling you, I could make a great wrestler. "Misrepresented Guy". I'm mad as
hell, and I'm not gonna take it anymore!
(Jimbo sez: actually,
I do watch "real wrestling" - it's called shootfighting.)
Not only did I attend my first Monster Jam
(monster truck show) tonight... I bought a T-shirt. And screamed myself fucking hoarse. I guess Keith M is no longer the only one around here with a seriously
trailer-park entertainment fetish... but dammit, that shit was awesome.
I've always loved great big powerful motors, and even though I'd always kinda considered
monster trucks, well... odd (my tastes run more towards hardcore street
performance machines) the show was great fun because these guys are simply not afraid to
bury the tach doing donuts, catching air, going "freestyle", and, well, ripping
shit up out there in the arena.
You gotta love that.

Monster Patrol was definitely the
consistently impressive truck/driver combo there. |

At least I'm not listening to Lee Greenwood songs...!
I mean, yeah, so normally I like street
performers, not ludicrously over-lifted trucks bouncing around on 66" tires... but
god damn, I never get to see a 1200+ hp performance sedan doing 7000+ RPM donuts
around a big concrete arena, either. Sweeet! On a final "how much of a redneck am I?" note: the
sight of a great fucking big truck with a great fucking big motor and American flags, bald
eagles, and a POW-MIA flag or two plastered all over it rippin' shit up at redline
actually roused a hint of, well, patriotic spirit...!
I can't believe I just admitted that.  |