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08 Apr 2001 | ![]() |
One last update for the road (Jimbo) |
I accidentally bought the world's most homosexual lighter yesterday... it's gay, it's damned gay, but unfortunately it's in the closet enough that I didn't realize that until after I became its owner. Click here (DivX AVI, 452K) to find out wtf I'm talking about.
All your RAM are belong to Lionhead Studios (Jimbo) |
By now, most of you are aware that I've
retired into a temporary state of near-hermitude playing the new Lionhead Studios game Black
& White. If you don't know what Black & White is all about,
it's the newest entry into the "god-game" venue - you're a deity, you're wooing
villages into switching over to worshipping you instead of your opponents by any means
necessary, all that good stuff - and depending on your own personal karma, you might be
doing it by feeding them, building them houses, making spectacular (but basically useless)
miracles... or by raining fire and brimstone down on their little wog asses until they see
The Light. (Heh heh.) So what's up with this "All your RAM" shit...? Well, it's like this: I've got 256MB of RAM on this machine, and until now, I considered that overkill - no single app (other than Adobe Photoshop when manipulating images in for-print resolutions) uses that much RAM. So why'd I get that much? So I could run anything I wanted, and all at the same time. Today, that all changed... 'cause after quitting to the desktop after a long session of Black & White with some frustratingly long stall times, I decided to check my Task Manager performance monitor: and it let me know that B&W was occupying a whopping THREE HUNDRED AND FORTY MEGS at its peak usage point. Holy shit. Time to go get more RAM... On a completely unrelated note, I'm going to be out of town on business all next week, so probably no updates until Saturday. See you then!
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05 Apr 2001 | ![]() |
Legend In My Spare Time (Keith M) |
When I was in high school, I started writing a book. I wasn't entirely sure what I was going to do with it, but under no circumstances was I going to university, so I had to do something. It started as fiction, and looking back it's amazing how terrible my work ethic was. I kept writing for a solid year after I got out of school, and what I came away with wasn't much. Luckily I decided to incorporate some non-fiction, running off a piece every time a thought came to me that I thought was worth expressing, and through the inclusion of the non-fiction I ended up with a respectable amount of material. The book never came to a logical end, but slowly dried up as I became less inclined to work on it. The day I decided I was done was somehow relieving, even though I knew that what I had was in no way publishable. I still had a lot of writing under my belt, and I was sure it would come in handy someday. Eventually I decided that it would make a good foundation for a website, something a little more substantial than "Here's a picture of me and my dog and we're doing stuff". I set it up and not a lot people read it, but I got some really amazing feedback; I'd been inside my own words for so long that I couldn't get a clear perspective on what I'd written, but at least a few people seemed genuinely inspired by my book. Lars Forsberg, the author of Kult Fiction: The Revolution mentioned that he still considers this first book his favorite of my writing, which I take as a great compliment, because we all know that Smile pretty much kicks ass. After hosting Smile, Jimbo asked me if I'd also like to have the first book hosted. I decided that I'd rework it for his page, editing out a lot of material that didn't hold up or seemed aimless, making it a shorter but stronger work. Jimbo would host the condensed version, and if anybody was hardcore enough to want to read the uncut version afterwards they could still read it at my homepage. I also redesigned the layout of the book and added some pictures, 'cause everybody likes pictures. So if you've never read it, here it is. The name'll make more sense once you get a little ways in. Humankind is Without Flaw and other stories
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05 Apr 2001 | ![]() |
You people rock my world (Jimbo) |
Big, big props to Zippy, Yoru-Hikage, and the Vehement One for hooking me up on that whole Black & White issue. It was easier to return the CD to the store
than try to cope with EA's technical obfuscation department, and I went down to the mall
and did so so that I could have a legal CD-key anyway, but... it feels pretty fucking good
to have a problem like that, bitch aimlessly about it on your webpage, and have three
separate people hooking your ass up inside of 24 hours. On an almost completely unrelated note, I discovered yesterday that I'm #3 on Google when you just put in "Jimbo." "Yeah, just throw my first name into an Internet search engine - you'll find me." That's pretty fucking sweet.
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05 Apr 2001 | ![]() |
Oh, how I love the catchphrases (Baldghoti) |
http://www.wrestlezone.com/news/articles/880.shtml I heard about this a while back on BadAssMofo, but I thought it was just a nasty rumor. It wasn't. The Rock has been offered the role of Duke Nukem in the new Duke Nukem movie. Now, while I enjoy watching the Rock, I'm rather sick of him. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he'll turn it down and let the only man who can REALLY play the Duke-man step forward. How long has it been since he did Army of Darkness? That was his last starring role, wasn't it? Do it for us, Bruce. Do it for Ash. Hell, Duke Nukem was BASED on Ash's character. I'll give you a dollar...
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04 Apr 2001 | ![]() |
I hate you, Milkman Dan (Jimbo) | ||||||||||
So I rush home, after braving hideous, hideous mall traffic in order to swoop into the local Electronics Boutique - ha ha, I have my copy of Black & White! Eagerly, I slip the CD into the drive, and fire up the setup program - only to be stymied by the nasty little creature to the right, wanting a serial number apparently inspired by the monstrosities used for Windows 98. Luckily, since I purchased this game with my hard-earned money, I have the serial necessary! Ha ha, I think to myself, rummaging for my CD case, soon I will have located this white box on the lower left of my CD case, I will have fucked up three times typing it in, but then I will prevail, I will type it correctly, this will be installed, and will be flinging poo at villagers with my monkey!
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02 Apr 2001 | ![]() |
The most humiliating dream ever (Jimbo) |
Imagine the absolute most humiliating dream you ever fucking had in your entire life - naked at school, beaten up by bigger kids, whatever. Just get a good, detailed, solid image of it in your mind - so real you can smell the unhappiness. Got it? My dream last night was worse. WAY worse. Anyway, the only good thing about having that dream was that it gives me a good lead-in to our video clip for the day - because waking up and remembering it was almost as bad as getting a stun-gun to the nuts. (mpg, 3.8MB)
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29 Mar 2001 | ![]() |
Peep this (Jimbo) |
More fluffy little layout
toys - that new icon in the formerly blank area on the upper left is also randomly
generated. Thanks to Psyci over at the www.penismightier.com
messageboard for the idea of a randomly refreshed graphic - I love that shit.
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28 Mar 2001 | ![]() |
Boobalicious (Baldghoti) |
Ah, breasts. How do I love thee? I received yet another email from a nice young lady who posts regularly on our forum, who was kind enough to submit a topless photo for another of my myriad of websites, The Evil Project (stick it in the damn linkbar, Jimbo). (Jimbo sez: see underlined text in following sentence.) See, Nate (a cowriter for the rarely-updated Evil Project) came up with the idea to take an ugly celebrity and "beautify" them by sticking reader-submitted boobies over the ugly mug. So, I present to you... The Evil Don Knotts Project! I suppose it couldn't hurt to beg for breasts here as well, so if you'd like to contribute, just send some email to me with subject "Don Knotts boobies". Oh, yeah. All but one pair of those boobs belong to regular posters on the Speakeasy.... If you're not a regular forumer, come meet your friendly local wannabe pornstars!
Anatomy of a Psychotic Girlfriend (Jimbo) |
Let's get two things straight before I really start on this post: 1. I'm not talking about my recent ex. If you're still reading, there's something of a cult phenomenon happening at the moment that you've probably heard something-or-other about, but maybe not actually been to yet. It's www.psychoexgirlfriend.com. I'd heard about this vaguely in the mainstream media, but, well... the mainstream media talking about the internet is rarely something that leads to me going to the internet and looking up the shit they talked about, if you know what I mean. But when I saw a link over at www.iwantanewgirlfriend.com (nice site - interesting concept - but what the hell is he gonna do when he gets a new girlfriend - close the doors? change the name? what?), that specifically mentioned the fact that this guy has mp3s of 53 cell phone messages left by the psycho ex-girlfriend herself over the space of a few days, well, I made with the clicky-clicky. I kinda regret it. The chick? Psycho beyond question. Seriously psycho. Is it staged? I seriously fucking doubt it. (Is the ex-boyfriend posting these cell messages an asshole? Believe.) So anyway, before (or during or after or instead of) your trip to psycho ex-girlfriend, wanna pull up your chairs and hear one of Unka Jimbo's famous Topical Stories? Thought you might... I had a girlfriend that went that psycho on me once... my first "real girlfriend", as a matter of fact. Wouldn't stay off the phone with me for more than an hour... literally. I was all of 15, she was fucking gorgeous, she was mad into me, I was mad into the attention. For about a week, even though it was really irritating that I couldn't get anything - anything - done, it was totally worth it. (Hey, I was 15.) After that, it started rapidly driving me fucking nuts. My grandmother was particularly vindictive about the whole thing, and took great joy in both invariably telling her I was home, and bitching at me while telling me our girl - we'll call her "L" - was calling again, and I needed to tell her to quit calling so much. (I should mention that, thank god, we went to entirely different schools, and in fact during the week lived in different cities - I lived with my grandmother and visited my dad on the weekends; L lived a few miles from my dad's house.) Keep in mind that this was the first girl I'd managed to touch in all the naked spots, and I thought she was bloody gorgeous, and I did not want to lose out on all that. I tried my damndest to be incredibly nice about asking her not to call quite so often. Net effect? Zero. Big fat goose egg. Continued sanity shrinkage on my part as, every single day, I would spend the entire day begging, pleading, cajoling her to hang up the phone - only to have it ring, literally, ten minutes later after she finally did. The next week, I was starting to get pretty damn firm about the fact that this shit had to stop. I still really didn't want to give up that whole touching-the-naked-girl thing, and really wanted us to still feel good about each other, and all that good stuff... but, well, if I had been 30 instead of 15, I'd have been losing hair. Net effect? Zero. The week after that, I was getting fucking desperate. I got the bright idea that I'd "scare her off" by acting "really creepy" - that way, although I would very regretfully lose the privilege of touching her naked, I would on the other hand get her to quit calling me... and although she'd think I was a jerk, I wouldn't actually have to be one and be mean to her! Sweet! So that night, when she called, as bluntly as humanly possible, out of the clear blue, I asked her "how would you feel about butt-fucking." Keep in mind that I was 15 and she was 14 - anal sex seemed like a much bigger barrier then than it might now, and keep in mind that I was being as crude as possible about it. Her answer? "I think that would be really romantic... :: meaningful, "you-mean-everything-to-me" pause :: ... with the right guy." That totally freaked me the fuck out. I mean... good god, given the chance to work up to it, I'd have loved to have anal sex with a gorgeous redhead, are you kidding me? But, um... right then, the only thing that was coming across was the fact that this girl just wasn't going to be dissuaded by any means whatsoever. After that... well, I began just getting downright mean. It still bothers me sometimes thinking about the things that I said - I just don't say hurtful things to somebody I'm in a relationship, it's not who I am - and it wasn't who I was either. But I was only 15, and I just didn't have the life experience to know how to cope with a total headcase occupying literally every waking minute of my day outside school with a ringing phone... so I got meaner, and meaner, until it was downright brutal. I wish it could have been different... but it wasn't. Later that year, I moved (from Alabama) to the US Virgin Islands - partly because, of my available options (AL or USVI... hmm) it was by far the cooler, and partly - in all honesty - to get the hell out of any possible reach of this girl. I was honestly worried that she would find out where I moved, and convince her parents to take a "dream vacation" - and show up on my doorstep. Paranoid? Maybe not - three years later, a casual friend of mine from the area L lived in told me that she was "going out with some greaseball named Jim, and going on and on to anybody who'll listen how she likes Jim okay, but she still only loves her Jim." Eeep. At any rate, by all means, go inflict www.psychoexgirlfriend.com on yourself - listen to a few voice mails. You'll hate yourself for it, but if you're idle enough, you'll probably keep listening to more and more of them. Maybe you'll finish them off - maybe you won't. (I didn't.) But you'll almost certainly listen to more of them than you really want to, fascinated in a disgusted sort of way, like picking at a scab when you know it's just going to be really gross and probably not all that healthy. And the first thing you're going to want to know is what's with the message that got removed? Honestly, I'm not sure why it had to be removed, but just so you don't lose sleep over it, here it is. (mp3, 205K) And if you've got anything to say about ex-girlfriends in general, mine, his, or yours... I'd recommend you discuss it in The Speakeasy instead of on their messageboard - the signal/noise ratio approaches zero over there.
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27 Mar 2001 | ![]() |
Fun With Nicknames (Keith M) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Prepare for some serious name-dropping: Over on the Writingz/UglyKittens message board, Chess Piece Face gave me the nickname "Freshmaker". So the very word has a special significance on said board, and by extension, Jimbo's very own Speakeasy. So Glitterbitch AmyGirl sent me this picture, from Johnny The Homicidal Maniac by Jhonen Vasquez (who has way too many websites about him). Behold, of limited interest to anyone outside our forum circle: Another Freshmaker Reference!
This is why I keep the Guestbook around (Jimbo) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
You miss a lot of the real quality retards if you don't have a guestbook.
I laughed my fucking ass off when I read that outraged guestbook entry. It's always entertaining when the diehard ethnic types wander across someone expressing astonishment at one of their favorite "food substances," though I'm not exactly sure what ethnic background (limey? generic 'net tard?) that tortured grammar would denote. Anyway, thumbs up to you, seņor retard - j00 m4d3 my d4y! Speaking of ethnicity, finding the ņ character in the character mapper reminded me of the minor adventure I had with an outdated telephone book yesterday - I was looking for an electrician in a 1998 copy of the yellow pages at work, and it turned out that the number listed in the biggest display ad was now for some very, very unfriendly seņora who either didn't habla much ingles, or just wasn't willing to speak it to me. She was rattling off the (very fluent) spanish a little too fast for me to follow much of it, but I did manage to catch, among other things, the word "diablo." I figured at first she was probably telling me "vaya con diablo", which translates literally to "walk with the devil" and roughly to "go to hell", but upon subsequent conversation with a Puerto Rican co-worker, I have come to the conclusion that I was probably actually being called a "white devil". Ethnic people are fun. On a completely unrelated note: by popular demand, the Speakeasy now spawns a new browser window again.
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26 Mar 2001 | ![]() |
Equality, Not Supremacy (Baldghoti) |
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Validate this site's existence. Affirm your own. |
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