Welcome to the October 1999 archive of Stream - you can click the planet to the left to get back to Jimbo's World if you're lost. |
This is the part of the site where I don't have to screw about with formatting, or layouts, or anything else. I just bang on the keyboard like a diseased monkey, and *poof* - instant content! Guess what part of the site's most likely to get updated on a regular basis? Right. |
30 October 1999 | ||||
20:12 | N3tp1mp | |||
28 October 1999 | ||||
20:50 | A love/hate letter to my Netscape readers | |||
On the one hand, I hate you. You make my life very, very
much more difficult than it would otherwise need to be. On the other hand, I must love you, because I'm making it more
difficult on myself than it absolutely has to be by trying, once again, to make the page
look identical (well, as close as it can - there are some things that simply can't
be done in Netscape) under both browsers. I'm not going to try to fix all the old
entries... but from here on out, you should start seeing almost exactly the same Jimbo's
World as the Internet Explorer folks do. Except, of course, for some of the crispy
little effects like the mouseover underlines on links. Oh well. Don't
think that I'm going to quit playing with my l1nkb4r just because you can't.
20:45 | Have a heapin' helpin' of cereal | |||
20:40 | Since most of you don't read R33T anyway... |
And, of course, since a
disproportionate number of you are female, there's someplace I want you to visit... Meet Mahir. Mahir is from Turkey. If you're female, Mahir likes you. Mahir likes you a lot. Of course, to be perfectly honest... Mahir is from Turkey, so the odds are pretty good that even if you're not female he likes you a lot. Either way, Mahir would like to kiss you. What, you don't believe me? Well then, just go visit the brother and see for yourself! He plays a mean accordion, too, and his English is just delightful. Of course, when I say "visit the brother", all I really mean is go check out his page... but then, if you were interested in something a little more personal, I'm sure you could convince him to work something out. Like first-class air fare to Turkey. |
27 October 1999 | ||
17:06 | How to utterly waste a few hours of time | |
Bwahahaha... you have got to check this out. Er, well, that is, um... you have got to check this out unless you can't deal roleplaying a guy who: |
If you can't deal with any of the above for the sake of hours
of mindless, disgusting, soul-numbing entertainment - then good ghod, whatever you do, do not
play Brad: The Game. ![]()
22 October 1999 | |
04:20 | I am the Sofa King |
I am sorry, but our
standard evening update has been cancelled for reasons that should be obvious. In
its place, we have a few random observations:
Goodnight, folks.
20 October 1999 | |
23:06 | An issue of political incorrectness |
A regular reader
and long time personal friend in real life (who shall remain anonymous here) is
complaining about the Quote of the Day up there. I started to just reply again,
continuing the email exchange, when it occurred to me that no, I think I wanna just go
ahead and drag this right the fuck out here. Identities on the other end are more
than welcome to remain secret, but... I want to clear this the hell up for good.
First of all, I'm gonna have to get grammatical on your ass: that is your inference, not my implication. And now, allow me to briefly discuss how I feel about the fact that this person inferred that I think women are only good for sex: what a crock of shit. I don't think anyone who even slightly knows me genuinely believes for a second that I feel that way. For crying out loud, look at the personal sites in my linkbar - it's overwhelmingly populated with females, most of whom don't even publish pictures of themselves. What, am I hoping one of them will give me a blowjob? I don't fucking think so. Am I hallucinating, or isn't it my site that had a rant on the front page about assholes that treat women poorly, and how close I came to taking on a table full of such in a bar on a friend's behalf? I guess I must have hoped she'd blow me in exchange for standing up for her. My, what a shallow asshole I am! I'm going to refrain from detailing personal reasons this person has for knowing that I don't feel that way - and there have been several, over the more than five years we've known each other - and just say this: if you still don't know me any
better than that...
23:01 | Bidding adieu to some entertaining keywords |
I think some of the
keywords I used on the new page must be automatically interpreted by the search engines as
an attempt to spam their indexes... so I removed several of them. (Like you care,
right?) The main reason I'm telling you this is to express my great dismay that I
had to remove the keyphrase "shameless hit whore" for fear that the
"whore" part was part of the reason the engines refused to index me...
<sigh> ![]() Oh well. Dammit, I want my search engine ranking back!
10:15 | A new addition to the 3r33t L1nkb4r |
Say hello to The Stile Project, laydeezungemmun... that place is
pretty cool. Stile's got lots of hot chicks, funny stuff, gross stuff, and
sarcasm... and really, what more do you need? Be sure to check out the If They Mated section... oh yeah, and
Barbie's Vacation is pretty
damned entertaining too, especially the last pic. (Warning: if you're at work, be
careful who's watching before you go to Barbie's Vacation.) And speaking of the 3r33t L1nkb4r... dammit, I think I'm going to have to do something different with it. Too many of you fucking people insist on longass page names that don't fit there very well. Graphical buttons are probably going to be my only possible choice that'll give me any consistency in layout... but I can't do those vertically without making the whole page one big table, like r33t or the Stile Project... and dammit, I *hate* having to wait for an entire page to load before I can see anything, so I refuse to do that. REFUSE, do you hear? (bla bla words tech byte HTML layout oh, was Jimbo talking? Yeah, I know. Bite me.) Maybe a big collection of link buttons down at the very bottom of the page? Either that, or below the current t00lb4r, in between it and Stream. I dunno. Incidentally... is it just me, or does the E/N section of the L1nkb4r look like some homeboy from an old hardboiled detective flick wearing a fedora now?
19 October 1999 | |
01:27 | A quick note from a very frustrated Jimbo |
Sorry for the
extended outage (again), folks... finally, once again we're all on top of
thangs. It would seem that my inestimable webhost was afflicted with Thumb-Fingered
Electrician Disease, which resulted in an absolutely fried-to-hell-and-back-again server,
complete with my page on it. Am I living under an InternetCloud, or what...?
<sigh> Ah, well. The good news is, all is (finally) well again, and
we're back on track once more. I'm still finishing up the last touches to the repair
job... so if you still see any peeling plaster, uncaulked seams, or even broken links after
Tuesday morning, please let me know and I'll fix 'em post haste. I may not
get any new content up this morning due to the lateness of the hour and my feverish repair
attempts, but never fear, there's some good stuff on the way - including a short-but-sweet
new entry to the Ask Professor Stoner column, and a story of the lovely (and delinquent!)
C00kie Cr00k, who appears to have a vendetta going against the local bagboys. (Hey -
if you're gonna pick on somebody, pick on somebody too poor to afford a lawyer, right?) G'night, folks... and welcome back to Jimbo's World.
11 October 1999 | |
12:52 | How far we goin' back? Waaayyyy back... to 1995 |
Anybody else been
around on the web long enough to remember a little jewel - often imitated, NEVER
duplicated - called "Mirsky's Worst Of The Web?" Don't, please
don't confuse it with the pale, bullshitty-ass imitation that's floating around now called
"Worst of the Web" - the shit they pick isn't even BAD. They picked Jen,
for christ's sake - and we all know she's not a candidate for THAT. (Pseudojimbo
with the Hometown AOL page is another story. Or was, until he took it down.) At any rate, for those of us who remember, somebody is hosting all of the old Mirsky-style content... and for those of you who don't, even though it's kinda dated now - and almost certainly all the pages it listed are long, long since gone - you should go check out a bastion of the glory days of the web.
12:50 | 1. Catherine Zeta Jones owns me 2. Even aside from that, "Entrapment" really wasn't a bad flick at all |
Now, I'll admit,
the sappy ending was a bit 80's cliche. And it didn't leave me thinking "oh my
god, that movie was awesome!" But on the other hand, there was
a lot of cool shit. ASIDE from CZJ's lovely, lovely buttocks
shimmying under that thread (no, that was not a laser beam - it was a thread.
You can't see the real lasers, which was one of
the things I really appreciated about this movie.), that is. And I also found myself wanting to scream BULLSHIT! a lot less than I normally do. It happened once or twice, but I'm usually a seething mass of discontent violated intellectualism most of the way through even movies I like... god, I hate how stupid Hollywood's target audience generally is. And now that we've cleared all those things up, I'd like to reiterate that Catherine Zeta Jones owns me. I would slap the intimidatingly delectable Lucy Lawless in the face, if necessary, in order to secure the affections of CZJ - even if she had on her Xena armor and was threatening me with an aluminum sword and one of those goofy bolo things. I would also pretend scorn as I dismissed Renee O'Connor, who plays Xena's lovely little blond clearly-submissive buddy Gabrielle, if that was what it took to get me in there like swimwear with CZJ. Never, never, never have I been quite so astonished at the exotic, animalistic desirability of a woman. Yow.
09 October 1999 | ||||
15:01 | The kind of commercials we need more of | |||
14:26 | The next cable channel you'll surf right through without stopping... CatVision | |||
This is pretty
fucking crazy... a bunch of neuroscientists have managed to decode the information that
passes through a cat's optic nerve path. How do they know? Well, because they
managed to stick a bunch of electrodes in the cat's thalamus, and display what the cat was
seeing on a TV screen! Shit sandwiches, but that's impressive. Go check it out at Wired if you like... I made a very skeptical reader, but the tag line at the end that said the article had been published in the Journal of Neuroscience made a believer out of me.
02:23 | HTML tips for a homie who doesn't have a mailto: link on his page | |||
Yo, Sándor, man, those graphics
don't work for anybody but you, because the IMG SRC tags point to files on your own hard
drive. They look fine for you, but not for anybody else... you gotta upload those
things to your webspace if you want anybody else to see 'em. And what's up with
making me "Earth", yo? You tryin' to say my page is dirt or something? ![]() Also btw, what exactly is that
"nowimin" mp3 you gots up there? Inquiring minds want to know.
08 October 1999 | |
21:20 | Much weed + lotsa questions = many answers |
Now, I
might be semi-paralyzed at the moment by my (justified) fears of the opposite (and even
downright contrary) sex - but the good Professor is apparently on something of a streak.
Go get some more. And when you're done, don't forget to send in some more questions while
the answers are still flying fast and furious. And maybe even sign the guestbook.
Don't think I won't borrow Jag from Tracie for long enough to take some
sort of nasty rodent revenge on you if you don't; she and Jag both owe me one anyway...
02:16 | Professor Stoner answers a couple of questions |
What are you
waiting for? Go
get some.
01:00 | Get thee behind me, foul beotches |
Women scare me
sometimes. And it doesn't exactly help that I always seem to wind up mutually attracted
to/with the ones that are the most T-R-O-U-B-L-E. Just thought I'd mention that.
05 October 1999 | |
16:07 | Major props go out to Lisa |
... for
letting me know that my page broke Netscape. As soon as she told me, I installed
Communicator 4.6 on my big burly NT box at work... and sure enough, the damn POS even
crashed under NT! After many many many hours of frustrated-as-hell troubleshooting,
I finally discovered that any attempt to use margin or padding style attributes will make
Netscape fall down and go boom. All fixed! But then, you Netscape people know
this already, don'tcha? ![]() At any rate, go
visit Lisa's Homepage.
And while you're there, tell her that if she doesn't like calling it Lisa's Homepage, then
she should call it One.
16:07 | What you're not seeing if, for some godforsaken reason, you're using Netscape |
Hey, he does use more than one font! Note, if you will, that the page actually uses very little of the Times New Roman font that all you Netscape people are seeing it in. The thing is, in most of the places on the page I've used style attributes to set the typeface... and unfortunately, Netscape doesn't interpret style tags correctly. I would say "at all", but as previously mentioned, some of you folks discovered the hard way that Netscape does interpret margin and padding style attributes... unfortunately for you and me, it interprets them as a good excuse to grenade your system. While you're looking at this screenshot (which is in Internet Explorer 4 at 800x600, resized to half the normal size so your modem won't choke), also notice the inset with the link to Beeyotch highlighted. I'd like you to notice a couple of things: while all the links are in boldface, the highlighted link - the one that the mouse is "hovering" over - is also in a noticeably brighter color and underlined. Now, I'll be the first to admit that eye candy isn't everything... but dammit, that mouseover effect is cool enough that I can often be seen just running my mouse over my own linkbar, drooling happily like a 'tard with a new bright red rubber ball. And you people are missing it. |
![]() |
![]() |
Wow, lookit the purty colors! And now, if'n you don't mind, take a look at a screenshot of Stream. Notice anything different? That's right, again we have different typefaces, different type sizes, and more. Most importantly this time, notice the increased brightness (if you can see it in this downsized jpg graphic) in the day headers, and the different typeface and goldish color on the topic headings. Folks, I know if you're using Netscape, obviously you've found reasons to like it. But I just want to make sure you understand something - this is not a situation that "Internet Explorer has different features", or even "Internet Explorer has more features." HTML has a set of standards that neither Netscape nor Microsoft get to dictate - only follow. Netscape fails, and fails miserably, to adhere to those standards - or even to continue operating in the face of HTML code that wasn't written specifically to cater to Netscape's failings. As you know, this site isn't something that makes me any money. As a matter of fact, I'm geek enough that I'm paying for the privilege of having this thing, in money as well as in my time. So unlike the big commercial sites, I'm not going to spend a lot of time sweating and trying to find ways to make this site look exactly the same on a browser that just "does its own thing" instead of adhering to HTML standards. On the other hand, there wouldn't be any point in me doing this if nobody read it - you guys are important to me, and if you choose to use Netscape, I'm not going to argue with your choice. even though I desperately, desperately want to. So I will do my best to at least keep the site presentable in Netscape. Thank you very much for letting me know it was dying, Lisa - and you guys that are using Netscape... if anything particularly goofy is going on, like images appearing in random places (or the whole damn browser crashing around your ears every time you come here) - please let me know, willya? |
(Incidentally, if anybody wants to see a neat way to kill Netscape code with a perfectly good table using style sheets, click here and it'll take you to the un-fixed version of my page. WARNING - if you are using Netscape, IT WILL DIE and maybe send Windows crashing to the ground with it if you click that link!)
03 October 1999 | |
03:01 | Guestbook now locally owned and operated |
Still got a couple of minor kinks to work out, but it's functional now, and all of the old
data is imported. Yeah, I know, bla bla tech byte html words stuff oh, was Jimbo
saying something? Bah. Anyway, go sign the new guestbook.
(Look, ma, no lag!)
02 October 1999 | |||
17:18 | Something to think about | ||
following is a brief excerpt from The Eye In The Pyramid, which is the first book
of the semi-famous Illuminatus! trilogy:
Every now and then, stop, take a deep breath, and ask yourself - really ask yourself: how much of my Reality is someone else's Imagination?
15:17 | Now that's a r33t haiku | ||
In the tradition of
a few of the recent posts on r33t.org itself lately... I got
a truly r33t haiku yesterday. Chekkitout: ===> Wow.
r33t haiku: My bladder is full Sometimes it comes out in spurts I love watersports |
01:06 | It ain't much, but it's a start | ||
first entry in the new edition of the Ask
Professor Stoner Column is now up. It ain't Robbert Loggia, Emmett Otter And His
Jug Band, or the end of the earth... but it'll do. Now, the rest of you, how many
times do I gotta tell you? Ask questions!
01 October 1999 | |
10:26 | The Beeyotch is back! (resurrection part deux) |
I really suppose I should quit calling her page "Beeyotch", but then everybody
tells me I really shouldn't do a lot of the things I do... and who's me,
anyway? That's right, I am. So the hell with all of that. On
the other hand, if Lisa were to start referring to my page as
"index", I might have to reconsider my position...
Validate this site's existence. Affirm your own. |