The Ask Professor Stoner Column | |
... where you can get answers to all those burning questions you've been meaning to ask... or, possibly, all those questions that occurred to you the last time you burned one. Come one, come all, ask Professor Stoner a question! |
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Jennifer Gettinger - Dangerous Anti-Mariah Dissident | |||||||||||
I don't know about you guys, but as Jen's traffic has skyrocketed with illiterate 12-year-olds concerned with nothing but Mariah Carey - 12-year-olds who, often enough, are dull enough to think she IS Mariah Carey - I've gotten more and more curious as to... how the hell does this happen? Well, I have the answer now. After a bit of research, I've found that - as is often the case when the Internet appears to have been smoking yellow crack - there's a simple explanation, and its name is Yahoo.
There's Jen at #3 - and she's sharing a Mariah Carey category with only two other sites! Hell yes she's getting an insane amount of 12-year-old traffic. Um... but why the hell is she such a Mariah Carey headliner, when she really, honestly, truly hardly ever mentions the silly little ho? Perhaps you weren't aware of this, but Yahoo is a bit on the quirky side. PeeT and I made a corporate website for [the company I work for] more than a year ago - with five domain names that all point to it, brilliant use of <META keyword>s, and the whole nine. Of course, it rose to the top of the index on all the search engines almost immediately... EXCEPT FOR YAHOO. More than a year after my company has had its own website - and after approximately fifty submissions to Yahoo - even when you directly search for [my company's name] on Yahoo, the only result you get is the homepage of some schmuck who used to work for [my company] and mentions it several times on his own page. WTF? Yahoo's conceit is that they are "the only search engine that is completely maintained by human beings." Unfortunately for us all, what they don't tell you is that they are also "the only search engine that is completely maintained under the influence of yellow crack." And even more unfortunately, they still get more hits than any other search engine, for the simple reason that they've been around longer than any of the others. OK, so now we've covered the crack-smoking habits of Yahoo (who I refuse to speak of with a ! at the end of their name) - but why do all the poor little kiddies dis Jen for hating and/or "impersonating" Mariah...? Well, most likely, the kiddies are clicking each and every link they can find that says "Mariah" in any way, shape, or form - with the idea that eventually, this will land them on Mariah's actual, personal, homepage. And then, they "reason", they can send their love to her by email. But when they land on the Mariah Carey in Her Own Words link, all they see after they click it is this:
Which, I assume, leads them to believe that they really had found the one, the true, the this-is-really-Mariah's-own-page-and-I-can-worship-her-directly page... but, much like they've heard about on TV, the site has been hijacked. That's right... 12-year-olds and various other assorted Mariah-lovers everywhere know what you and I do not... Jen is a m4d h4ck3r.
I Am The Banner Killer! |
Seems like ever since I started telling a few people how to kill the banners on free web servers, everybody wants a piece of the action. OK, folks... seek and ye shall receive. Here it is, the supa-fly afro-tastic banner-killing code of doom: <SCRIPT
LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> All you gotta do is stick that little piece of Javascript tastiness immediately after the <HTML> tag at the very top of your page, and all will be well - no more nasty pop-up vermin! We already have multiple confirmed kills at both Angelfire and Tripod, so yes, this is a sure thing. A couple of notes, though:
How To Index Images Like A Crack-Smokin' Pr0n Webmaster | ||
Alyssa is making a photo album for her page, and asked for a few HTML
tips on how to caption her pictures - and it seemed like such a good topic that I thought
I'd share it with everybody. There's a secret to building a photo page, guys and
gals... and that secret is tables. Check this out:
See how the text stays right there next to the picture and centered, even when it
"wraps" to the next line? This is what you want when you caption your pix
- it's especially handy when you have pix with a long story behind them. And
really... aren't those the kind of pix you're the most excited about putting on your page anyway?
Here is the code for the table you see above: <table border="0"
cellpadding="0" cellspacing="5"> Not too scary, right? Let's look at it line-by-line:
Now that you know the basics of building a table, here's a few more things you might want to think about:
OK, guys, that's probably more than enough for now. If you still want to learn more - or if you want to learn more, after your head stops spinning - you can either ask me a specific question, or go visit WebMonkey for some serious, in-depth, skull-scorching knowledge sessions. Have fun! -J
Mr. Joshua's Been Tokin' |
> Dear
Professor Stoner, > When I get the mad munchies, I love chowing on > Golden Grahams cereal. One question though - > how DO they cram all that graham? I could almost > buy the giant robot theory, but that basketball > player one was just too damn ridiculous. > > Mr. Joshua (of Foaming At The Mouth) Well, it just so happens I inherited a box of Golden Grahams from the last inhabitants of my house. I don't eat the things personally, so almost a year later, the box is still lurking in the cupboard glaring at me balefully... after rasslin' it into submission, I studied the ingredients list carefully in order to try to answer your question. Pretty innocuous stuff, except... I can't help but wonder why the entire list of ingredients is in plain, all-caps text, except for one curious line at the bottom of the ingredients list, which is in all boldface type... CONTAINS WHEAT AND MILK INGREDIENTS. Now, I realize that this isn't exactly an answer to your question, but... just ask yourself. Why is that seemingly innocuous line in boldface at the bottom of the ingredients list? When they seem to feel that ingredients like "Trisodium Phosphate" and "Pyridoxine Hydrochloride" are perfectly normal, why the ominous warning about unspecified bits of wheat and milk...? I smell a conspiracy afoot! If you find anything more out, let me know by blind drop before the General Mills goon squad gets to you. Good luck, my brother. -J
Another Lisa Gets Gaseous | |
> Apparently gas causes burps
and farts. Am I correct > so far? People always say "I have bad gas" when > they're burping or farting a lot. So what I'm > wondering is, how does the gas decide where to come > out? What makes the gas say, "I'm going to be a > fart. Not a burp. Hmmm? > Lisa (of You Are Here) |
you're right - gas in the gastrointestinal area is what causes flatulence and eructations
both. The answer to your question is short and simple - where the gas bubble is formed
in your gastrointestinal tract will determine where it's going to exit.
When you drink a carbonated soda, all that gas is trapped in tiny bubbles in the
soda already - no chemical reactions are necessary to form the gas, it
just has to be released from solution. Therefore, you wind up with the gas released
almost immediately when the fluid hits your stomach - and that gas is
gonna be one nice big belch. BRAAAAAP! On the other hand, some foods will release gases - mostly methane - as a byproduct of digestion. Most of the digestive process actually takes place in the intestines - not in the stomach! If your digestive processes cause a lot of gas to be formed in your intestines - been eating beans, perhaps? - that gas can't escape through your throat, thank goodness, because there's a sort of a check valve which prevents the contents of your intestines from being reintroduced to your stomach. Which leaves only one possible egress - yeah, you guessed it. Squeaker! -J
She who smelt it, dealt it | |||||||||||||||||||||
You know that song "Ooh that smell! Can you smell > that smell!" What the hell are they talking about? > > Lisa And here we have yet another question that Professor Stoner is uniquely qualified to answer... the song in question is an old Lynyrd Skynyrd tune by the name of "That Smell", and it's one hell of a classic. The short answer to your question is, they're talking about death and drugs and throwing your life away... but, hey, this is the Ask Professor Stoner column, and we don't leave well enough alone with short answers here! I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that if you had ever really heard the rest of the lyrics, you wouldn't have needed to ask that question... they're profound, but pretty damned straightforward. So read on, Lisa, and consider yourself a little bit more edumacated in oldskool southern rock'n'roll:
It burns when you pee! | |
> Professor Stoner, > > Why does the shower water get so hot when someone in the > house flushes a toilet? Yeah, I realize that all the pipes > are connected, but why doesn't the water scald me when someone > turns on the sink or uses the washing machine? You'd think > that after all these years of running water, they'd be able > to devise a system that doesn't require yelling "I'm finished > peeing!" at the top of my lungs when someone else is > in the shower. > > Alison Well, Alison, what causes you to get burned is a drop in pressure in the cold water supply to your shower head. In most modern houses, this actually isn't too much of a problem anymore, because standards in homebuilding have gotten quite a bit better since the "good old days." In those houses that do burn your tender parts in the shower, the
problem stems from the fact that you have separate piping for hot water and cold water -
and the toilet is normally connected to the cold side, not the hot side. (But can
you imagine a hot water toilet? Ewww, stinky! The reason I say that this is mainly a problem in older houses is because, in most newer houses, there are several separate sets of piping run to various rooms in the house. Rather than running a single hot water pipe and cold water pipe through the house, the kitchen and each bathroom get their own sets of individual pipes, which then makes it much less likely that you'll see a drop in pressure at the shower head when somebody flushes the toilet. In really well-built houses, you can often find a completely separate set of pipes that runs directly to the shower (and nothing but the shower), making it almost impossible to make the girl in the shower scream... at least, without pulling a Norman Bates act on her. And that's cheating. The other thing that can make shower heads your enemy is low water pressure - if your house has well water instead of city water, for instance, it's difficult to isolate the shower from pressure drops elsewhere in the plumbing no matter what you do, because flushing the toilet actually lowers the water pressure from the source. What are you gonna do? Happily in those instances, though, you typically see a very close decrease in both hot and cold water pressure at the same time, which usually means you get less and slightly colder water until the toilet finishes filling / the dishwasher shuts off / et cetera. So (if you didn't catch this already), in your particular house, you don't get burned when someone runs the sink or the washing machine simply because either they're on a different pipe to the main than the bathroom is, or possibly just because they're close enough to the main that they don't decrease the pressure too much (the maximum flow rate decreases proportional to the length of the pipe and inversely proportional to the diameter of the pipe that it travels through)... whereas in the bathroom, "right next door to" the shower, so to speak, and on the same pipe run, that toilet tank opening up steals half of the water pressure for the cold water from the shower. Ow! -J
I Love It When She Blows My Horn | ||
> I have a question for ya. Do
you watch The Tonight > Show? Ya know who Kevin Eubanks is... the band guy? > Well, what I want to know is- who was the band guy > before Kevin? Who did Kevin replace? I've asked > lots of people, and no one can help... You're a > smart guy. I figured you might know. > -Lisa |
Professor Stoner can help! Actually, Kevin Eubanks is a good guy and a talented
pianist, but he'll never be half the man in jazz that his predecessor was and is.
When it comes to jazz, Branford Marsalis is the man - a masterful
saxophone player. In addition to his own well-known work - including a weekly 1-hour
gig on National Public Radio, Jazz Set With Branford Marsalis - he's done work
with all sorts of greats, including Herbie Hancock, Miles Davis, and Dizzy Gillespie.
He was also the front man for Sting's instrumental backup, and he did the
soundtracks in a number of Spike Lee "joints" - including Do The Right
Thing, Mo' Better Blues, and School Daze.
Unusually enough for a top jazz musician, he's also had roles in several
films - School Daze, Throw Momma From The Train, and Bring
On The Night. Something of a blot on his career, on the other hand, is the fact
that he also worked with Tina and Teena - Tina Turner and Teena Marie, that is.
But given the outstanding nature of the rest of his career work, I suppose we'll
just have to forgive him an indiscretion or two, won't we? -J
Remember this when building your next bong, kids | |
> What's the main reason why fluids are > used in hydraulic systems instead of > gases? What properties of fluids make > them better for such things? That's a fairly easy one, actually. Hydraulic systems use fluids in pipes and chambers to transfer pressure from one place to another - for instance, in the brakes on your car, the master cylinder is connected to your brake pads with a hydraulic system. When you press down on the brake pedal, the master cylinder pushes VERY hard on the brake fluid in the long, thin steel line that runs from the master cylinder to your brakes - on the other end of that line is the caliper, which pushes the brake pads into your rotor, slowing down the car. You can actually get a tremendous mechanical advantage by using hydraulics in this way - which is why you have hydraulic brakes instead of a big lever that goes from your brake pedal to your brakes. You could connect them directly with a lever or a rod, but you wouldn't be able to put anywhere near as much pressure on the rotors that way - and therefore, you'd have to step on the brakes much harder, and even then you couldn't stop as fast. Now, the enterprising souls among you may have tried to do your own brake job at one point or another - and if you have, you learned mighty quick that if you don't get all the air out of the line, your brakes are all spongy and you can't stop worth a shit. Gotta bleed those lines! Why is this? Well, hydraulic fluids are specifically chosen for three major properties: stability at a particular temperature range, viscosity, and incompressibility. You can't make a hydraulic system with a compressible fluid! (Air is an example of a compressible fluid.) Think about it - if you have air in the lines, then when you try to "step on the fluid" with the master cylinder, that pressure won't be transferred smoothly to the brakes - instead, it will most of it will be wasted in compressing the air in the line - leaving you with only a very little bit of the pressure you applied actually getting to the brakes. Brake fluid, on the other hand, is effectively incompressible - so once you've bled those lines, when you "step on the fluid" with the master cylinder, the brake fluid smoothly transfers that pressure to your brakes on the other end of the line. Now that we've covered the basics on how a hyrdraulic system works, the answer to your question is obvious - all gases are highly compressible, so we can't use a gas as an effective hydraulic fluid. -J |
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