Jessica |
"This is the opposite of death," Elizabeth realizes as she looks up at Liam. His head blocks her from the rain, and when she looks up at him, she can tell he has something on his mind that isn't related to the way she looks while rain-soaked. For once in her life she tries not to think, tries to give in to sensation and desire, tries to detach her philosophical exploration. Liam knows her. She is safe. As Liam touches her, kisses her body, rubs her with a touch part delicate and part horny teenage boy, she can feel every blade of grass in the forest touching her, every drop of rain that has ever been fall around her. She gasps for air as Liam enters her, awkward thrusts moving to a unity of rhythm. She feels part of everything and yet somehow more individual than before. She listens to him moaning her name. He isn't going to take very long, she can tell. He is touching her everywhere, trying to make her part of him. She wants to tell him that she already is, but all she can get out is his name, over and over. When he collapses on top of her, when he rests his head on the grass, her face is re-exposed to the rain. "This is life," she thinks while smiling. "And I will never die".
Chess Piece Face
Propping himself up on his elbows, Liam fixes Elizabeth in his gaze. He smiles. She smiles back. He smiles once more. She stops smiling. He gets a puzzled look. She smiles again. "I love it when you smile" smiles Liam. "That's so sweet! Now shut up and drop trou, pencil neck. I've been waiting thirty-eight installments to touch your peepee... not including dream sequences." Liam rolls to her side and begins fumbling with his wet shoelaces. Several minutes pass while he removes his shoes, socks, and eventually his pants. He turns to her, looking slightly embarrassed. "Not quite as graceful as the movies would have you believe, huh?" "It never is..." she returns, as she whips away her E-Z Off velcro panties "...unless you come prepared. Ooh, Digimon!" With a sickened feeling rising inside, he follows her line of sight down to his underwear. Worst fear confirmed: he is wearing his Digimon Underoos today. Over the roar of blood in his ears he can hear Elizabeth laughing and gasping for air. He mumbles into his chest. "I want to die." She regains her composure and jumps on top of him. "DigiBoi needs a DigiWedgie!" Grasping the back of his briefs with both hands, she yanks violently upwards. "Yaagh!" "DigiVolve to UltraMakoHuraWedgieMon!" Standing up while still holding the elastic strap, she pulls his Underoos level with his shoulder blades, simultaneously lifting his bum a few inches off of the ground. The sensation of cheap, wet cotton sanding his anus raw is unbearable yet somehow arousing. Finally the DigiRoos can take no more; they tear apart between the legs and he drops bottom first onto the chilly grass. Relief. This relief is punctuated by an irrepressible squeaker in high F sharp. Naked and ashamed, he sits on the wet field and lets the rain pour over him. Still standing over him, she runs her fingers through his hair. Tilting his head back into her right hand she looks down to his reddened face. "Poor baby. I treat you really bad sometimes, don't I?" "Yeah, but that's-" His words are cut off as she lifts her skirt with her free hand and crams his face into her muff. "Liam, for once in your life you're going to use your mouth for something besides spouting philosophical nonsense!" As usual, he is helpless without directions. She lets out an exasperated sigh. "Okay. First, stick out your tongue. More. And pointed, not flat. Good! Now wiggle it around. Higher. One more inch higher, and to the left. The other left! My left. Feel that nubbin? Imagine that as a ventilation duct on the Death Star and 'stay on target, young Jedi'. Use the force if you have to." "Mmphrphh!" "Stay on target," he thinks to himself "this girl knows me all too well." He reaches up and grasps her butt cheeks tightly - one in each hand. Confident that he is on the right track, Elizabeth releases her grip on his head and unbuttons her blouse. Fondling her breasts, she sways her hips in rhythm with his tongue-work and sings happily. "What a girl wants, what a girl needs... Pick up the pace down there! It's wet enough; suck it! Make with the sucky-sucky! Ohhhhhhh... oh honey! You are a natural. Ohh... mmm... eep! No biting! Okay, biting, but no chewing. Ohh... yes! Yes! YES YES YES YES YES! YEEEE-HAW! Ahhhhhh..." She collapses on top of him, pinning him to the ground. "I did good?" "You were wonderful."
In the boy's bathroom mirror, Evan admires himself. "God, I'm beautiful. And gay."
Back in the woods, Liam and Elizabeth writhe about together fully nude. He ponders out loud. "Why do so many people dislike the rain? Rain is water and water is life. Everybody should be outside making love right now. The world is so backwards and repressed." "Speaking of humping, are you ready for Mr. Troy's Wild Ride?" He is taken aback. "Is this a joke to you? This moment means so much to me and all you can do is crack wise every five seconds!" "Liam, sweetheart, casual sex is supposed to be fun. We aren't married, we aren't doing this to make babies, and we aren't Catholic. Loosen up and enjoy while you still can! You won't be a teenage sex magnet forever, y'know." "You're right..." "Of course I'm right! I'm the woman!" With this she slides her steamy, soaked teenage body up his and starts to rub his penis with both hands. "You're bigger than I imagined." "Really?" "Uh huh. Lay back and close your eyes for me - it's time." He follows her command, closing off any visual input. With his sight gone his other senses come alive like Frampton. Each individual drop of rain splashing on his face. Millions of others like a thunderous applause striking the ground, the trees, and the school. Faintly a bell rings in the distance. The smell of the grass, the earth, and her perfume. The salty rain on his lips. And suddenly the feeling that every man lives for but no man can ever describe. An electric charge, an instant high, winning the lottery on your birthday... nope, no words could ever describe it. The sense of pleasure and well-being that fills the body in the blink of an eye. Every atom in one's being is dancing. Sorcery. Enlightenment. Staring God in the eyes and not blinking. Sex. "You okay down there? Give me a sign." "Urgle" he urgles. "Sex must be a lot better for the guy" she mutters to no one in particular. She leans forward to give him a long, passionate kiss. Then she gets down to it, grinding her hips the way only a teenage figment of a comic geek's imagination can. "Oh! Oh, Ayn!" "What?!" "Oops." "You better 'oops', fanboy." The overwhelming lust brings out a Mr. Hyde-like side of Liam heretofore unseen. "Yes! Aww yeeeeah. Pump it baby, hit that shit! Work my cock you crazy ass beeyotch! Hit me with an immeasurable BLAST! Ride it! You gotsta ride the baloney pony! Boo-yah!" With one of her fingernails she carves the words "FUK STUD" deeply into his chest. Blood runs every which way. The pain and the pleasure - Liam can take no more. "Bla-DOWWWWW!" If not for the hot naked chick on top of him, you might think he was epileptic. Twitching like a trout on the deck of a fishing boat. His man juice spent, he lays arms open wide and chest heaving. "This is the best day of my life." "Better than the time you came from behind to win that badminton tournament?" "Oh yeah. This time I came from the front."
Jennifer is unlocking her car to drive home when she hears a 'bladow' from out in the woods. She decides to investigate. Elizabeth and Liam are both spread out soaking up the rain as she approaches. She can't contain her sarcasm. "So this is why you're never in class. And now Liam, too." "Umm..." Liam stammers. "That is to say..." Elizabeth adds. "Save it. I've been working my ass off for months trying to get next to this guy, only to have him trail behind you like he's your butler. And honey, you ain't all that. Maybe you've got some brains but your attitude sucks, you have no future, you expect everyone to wait on you and you never give anything back unless it also benefits you. The only kind of man you can get is one who's so confused by his own hormones that he'll follow you anywhere if you tease him just a little." She turns to Liam. "Have you put any thought into where this is leading? She dictates all the terms of your relationship, yet you provide all of the emotional and physical support. In a couple of years you'll take over the responsibility from her mother for all of the financial support, too. You think she's going to work for a living? Ha! No, you'll be working for two, probably every day, and then be required to play psychiatrist when you come home at night! A bit of sex is not worth a life of slavery. She's a user, Liam. A leech. To use a term I'm sure you're familiar with, a moocher. The sooner you realize the truth the sooner you can find someone worth your love." "I also noticed there aren't any condoms in sight. Your first time might turn out to be your last, Liam. She's just the kind of emotional wreck who would get pregnant to trap a man for life. Pray that doesn't happen because you lost all control of the situation when you shot your wad. This whole ending is so depressing. It was supposed to end with us in a three-way orgy and then with me getting gang-banged by the Harlem Globetrotters. Instead I'm stuck preaching common sense stuff to a couple of allegedly smart kids. This story sucks and it needs to end." "Now!"
Josh B
Peter McPark walks down the street, hurrying along, his bookbag slung around his shoulder, his other hand controlling the umbrella in the rainstorm. His pace is quickened by the thought of missing a class. He has never missed a class before. It wasn't his fault, however. The power went out in his neighborhood, causing his alarm clock to go off and not come back on, thereby causing him to wake up far past the regular schedule, almost to the end of the school day itself. He had to shower in five minutes. Like it matters anyway; he's getting enough of a shower right now. And then his car wouldn't start. Instead of taking matters into his own hands, calling a friend or a mechanic or even trying his own hand in finding out the problem with his car, he instead insists that life is going on without him, and that he must be in class at this instant. His heart, not very well trained in the manner of spontaneity, regretfully concurs. The rain pounds hard, drenching all within its path. Peter practically runs down the cement pathway created in the park. An old shortcut he walked through when he was a freshman and had no car. An old shortcut that would serve him well now. Passing through trees and shrubs, Peter finds the old path he used to transverse. He carefully takes a few steps down the muddy path. He drops his bookbag, and curses to himself. He sits on his haunches and picks up the bag, which is far too heavy for his own use. Damn it, his conscience says. You could've been sleeping right now, you fuck. "Shut up," says Peter quietly to himself. And to this he hears laughter. Not full, blown out laughter, but rather giggling. Tittering. Coming from over the bushes to his left. He immediately is silent, his first response is that there is someone laughing at him, a feeling he has felt before. Someone is laughing at him and his silly little predicament. No worries, Pete, says his conscience. Suck it up. You've been through this before. Laugh it off. Peter pops his head over the bush. He immediately ducks back under again, this time plopping his entire body onto the muddy floor. "Oh my God," he says aloud. Two people, having sex. Right now. In the rain. Carefree, with no boundaries or rules. Completely free willed. For a moment Peter is struck by an awesome beauty that seems to make everything around him vibrant and colorful, no matter how gray. Two people who were in love were consummating that relationship right now, and while it was not Peter's business to interfere, it was nonetheless a beautiful event. Peter can't help but get a second peek. The sight is amazing, for a guy like Peter, who is, after all, a male, and one who is categorized in the "geek" clique, a man who specializes in A/V and newly acquired internet technology. A self-proclaimed geek. The sight of two perfect people in a perfect scenario is brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. He is covered in mud, his glasses are fused with rain droplets. His books are gone down the small descending path into the wooded area, lost to water and warping. His bookbag as well. But it's worth it. It's well worth it. The laughter has changed, not laughter anymore but breathing. Vapor from both mouths, exhaling, inhaling, each sweet breath is another ounce of carbon dioxide into the lungs. Another second closer to death. But no matter now. Now passion is at full bloom, like a rose, a beautiful rose, so large and full, the thorns are gone, the leaves are open to the world. Two people in love. Two beautiful roses. Peter watches as the boy eagerly takes every advantage, maintaining a stable complexion. He is holding himself. What a nice boy. Saving himself for the woman. Such a wonderful boy. The woman is not naked, no. She is draped in a shirt, which fully exposes her breasts. A second skin, if you will. She is enjoying the moment just as much as he. Her hair is beyond wet, a mass of writhing excitement. As the two continue their crusade into sexual liberation, the breathing gets heavier and more complex. The tune of the sex is changing. No longer a safe, sound melody. The climax is happening. The music is reaching a magnificent crescendo. The breathing is panting. The panting is quiet hums, soft oohs. Then it is louder. So loud that the bonds of inhibition are lost. The President himself could walk by and not interrupt the two. The music is too loud. It must be silenced. Peter watches with extreme awe as the music reaches its peak. The boy thrusts his last thrust, the girl screams and whimpers and contorts. Then in an instant he is beside her, his hand on his forehead, gasping for breath. She is alive, humming softly to herself. Then they talk. The moment is perfection. Peter quietly sneaks away from the situation. He finds his destroyed books and places them back in his bookbag. He cannot speak. Talking, or any mental or physical action out of the norm would ruin the moment. The perfect moment. He checks his watch. School is very over.
Standing just outside the door, still sheltered from the rain, he smiles at her. "You know, I can see your nipples through that shirt." She smirks and starts to walk backward, toward the woods. He steps unhesitantly into the rain and follows her when she turns to break into a run. He chases after her, following her through a path until they reach the park, where she slows down and turns to face him. He stops, watching her for a moment, and they walk to one another. His arms slide around her waist and their lips meet in a kiss, and he can feel her drawing him gently down. They slip to the ground and he looks into her eyes as she lays against the wet grass, the rain falling against his back. They kiss each other like they've just found their mouths. Liam had an erection ever since he figured out that Jennifer was coming onto him, but this is what he really wanted: Elizabeth. He sticks his hand down her boxers and squeezes her ass. "Mmm," she buzzes, and thrusts her hips against his. He pulls her body against his, feeling her tits against his shirt, dampening it. His back has become wet from the rain, anyway. He sits up, straddling her, and moves to remove his shirt. As he does so, Elizabeth reaches for his belt. He smiles as she unbuckles it, but then she removes it, as well. She puts it on the side, saying "We'll need it later." Liam is confused but she reaches up for him, rubbing her hands on his chest. He lies down against her again, this time pulling her shirt up. He remembers the dream he once had about her, and it seems that it wasn't too far off the mark. He begins gently kissing and cupping her breasts. She responds by putting her hands on his back and gently scratching it. When he sucks on her nipples, her scratching becomes more intense. At this, he puts his hand down her shorts and rubs at her pubic hair. She pants and scratches him harder. It's almost more than Liam can bear - Elizabeth's tits in his mouth, her cunt in his hand, and the pain of the scratches are almost enough to bring him off. He decides to stop before that happens. "Why'd you stop," moans Elizabeth. "To get my condom," he answers, wriggling out of his pants and searching for his wallet. He finds it and pulls out the condom. The expiration date is still two months from now, so he smiles. "Wait," says Elizabeth. She pulls her boxers down, peels off her shirt, and picks up the belt. She wraps it around her neck, pulling the buckle tight. "OK," she says, satisfied, and gets on her hands and knees. "Doggy style?" smirks Liam as he puts the condom on. "Yeah." Elizabeth parts her legs and Liam mounts her. "Is it ok?" he asks as he slowly begins thrusting. "Oh... yeah... um..." she gasps. "Pull... on... it..." He grabs her left tit to steady himself, squeezing her nipple. "Pull on what?" "The belt." He takes the loose end and gently tugs it. He starts to fuck her in earnest, and pulls the belt just a bit tighter every time his rhythm gets faster. Elizabeth's back arches, and her tongue hangs loose out of her mouth. "Ah!" she groans. "Can you breathe?" he asks a bit nervously. "Yes," she snaps, "pull it tighter, come on!" He pulls the belt harder, and Elizabeth rewards him with a low moan. The moan spurs him to fuck her even harder, until he isn't even paying attention to whether or not she can breathe. He doesn't care about anything except shooting his load into her hot, wet pussy. "Uh, uh, UHHH!" he grunts as he comes. He lets go of the belt, thrusts a couple more times, then gently pulls out of her. He ties the condom and puts it back into its wrapper, then turns to Elizabeth. She lies on her stomach, flat on the grass, not responding to her touch. "Elizabeth!" he says, alarmed, and shakes her. "Uhhh," she moans and rolls over. "God, that was so good. I think I came three times after you pulled the belt tight enough." "Came, or blacked out?" She shrugs, smiles. "Same thing." She lies on her back, naked, eyes closed. "Doesn't the rain feel good against your skin?" "I can think of something that feels a lot better against my skin..." he says, laying his head on her stomach. She absently strokes his hair while they lie naked on the grass.
Mike L (aka Schoonerboy)
His smile's identical twin beams up from her lips as they surrender to each other's gaze. He laughs shortly, then suddenly sinks his face to hers and smothers her grin with his hungry mouth. She kisses him back, their tongues entwining frantically as all thought is swept from her head in black, fiery waves of desire. There is a sharp crack followed by the thud of a body hitting the ground. What disturbs her more is the stark contrast between his hot, heavy lips and the cold, fat raindrop that splashes onto her lower lip as he turns to see the disturbance. "What the fuck....?" says Liam and he begins to rise to investigate. Elizabeth glances briefly at the bush the sound came from behind and - seeing nothing - grabs Liam's tie before he can escape and yanks him forcefully down. His hands slip on the wet grass and his entire body crashes onto hers, their lips smacking hard against each other as the air stored in her lungs is ejected into his. Pain explodes across her mouth, quickly replaced by lust and the taste of blood but she needs to draw breath and cannot while she gives in to passion. Her left hand jerks his head back by the hair and she gasps at the cold, wet air, tilting her head back in the damp grass so that her small chin points at his nose. Liam is as one possessed. His head lolls in her grasp and his eyes stare blankly at the rain splashing off her cheekbones. He watches her tongue flick out and catch a few drops and he cannot tell if it is rain or the sweat from his brow or drool dripping from his mouth that she is catching. Blood has bloomed on her lower lip like a pale lotus flower and he lunges back down to intersect it as it trickles across her chin and down her neck. There like a toothless vampire he suckles, Elizabeth emitting a low pleasurable moan in response. With his arms he pins hers to the ground above her head, working his mouth down her neck to her blouse. Her shirt is completely saturated now and clinging to her like a second skin. Her nipples are fully erect and screaming for his attention so he sucks at the left one and rubs it with his tongue, manipulating it like a small, hard, thick balloon. Suddenly he clamps his teeth down firmly and squeezes it between his teeth. Elizabeth squirms and bucks and he releases her left arm to grope her other tit with his right hand. She uses her free hand to fumble hurriedly at the top button of her blouse but cannot get it undone in her haste. Snarling, Liam releases her nipple, rips the button loose with his teeth and spits it away. With his free hand he clutches her shirt above the next button and tears it to one side. She is braless. Her revealed nipple is like a dark, angry red beacon on her pale breast guiding his mouth automatically to embrace it. With this one he is more gentle and attentive, luxuriating in her textures and taste, ever aware of her appreciative sighs. Her claws sink into his back and she rakes up hard enough to tear shirt and skin as he moves slowly down her body.
Still thinking of her he wanders towards the park, trying to imagine what she would choose as a subject for her major work, were she to do one. He'd love to surprise her with his, maybe force her to look at him in a different light, with the possibility of being more than just a friend.... but he was getting ahead of himself. At least she considered him more highly than anyone else in school. Except that Liam jerk.
Liam continues to finger fuck her and slowly slides his other hand down her body, stroking it first across each engorged nipple and then down her sternum to her belly. He circles her belly button a few times and slides a finger inside it briefly before gliding down to her mound. The pubic hair there is thick and bushy and he runs his hand through it, luxuriating in its bristly feel. He rubs her mound and then her inner thighs, each newly placed caress awakening a fresh sensation within her. Heavy sighs turn to primal groans and then a cry as Liam presses firmly above her hood and squeezes her clit into his waiting maw. Hot breath meets it first then his wriggling tongue, worming around her fertile pink micro-tool. Stars swim before her eyes as he wraps his lips around her jutting worm that quivers like a fearful mere cat forced from its hole. Sucking juicily at it he retracts his probing fingers from her soaking lips and slides his entire hand back in, like a hot knife through hotter butter until he is in up to his wrist. Her legs wrap around his neck and he curls his fingers into a fist, all the while sucking and chewing on her sacrament wafer like it could nourish him forever. Elizabeth's loud cries are barely audible to Liam, muffled as his ears are by her trembling thighs, but he does not need to hear her to know she is close to orgasm. He slowly punches in and out and she rocks in unison with his fist, striving to take him ever deeper inside her. His face and arm are drenched in her lube and he too is close to coming, his cock yearning for her warm safe place. He pulls his hand free and looks up. Her head is thrust back and her mouth is open, sweat glistens on her brow and the tendons and veins in her neck are like vines strangling her. Her eyes open and she exhales vocally and looks down. He imagines the look of intensity in her eyes must be reflected in his and without any words being spoken he enters her in a single thrust, their lips meeting as his balls slap against her arse. He slides his love crank almost all the way out then rams it back in, deeper this time, to the point that he can feel her g-spot nudging against his head. Her velvet muscles clench about his throbbing harpoon and it is all he can do to hold back his sticky jism from gushing into her canal. So powerful is the pressure in his swollen pike that he fears it may burst asunder and hemorrhage her insides. She shudders against him and he knows he doesn't have much longer to wait.
"Miss Cantrell...?" he begins, and takes a few hesitant steps towards her. Her head swings around at the same moment as he notices what lies beyond. There, past the bush she was hiding behind, are Liam and Elizabeth humping like mad, oblivious to their surroundings. Without even thinking he lines them up for a killer shot; Miss Cantrell in the foreground, hand still between her legs, her mouth shaped into a perfect O and in the background are Liam and Elizabeth still banging away, their clothes splayed around them, Liam's bare butt glowing eerily in the half light. Click! Click! And click! Again, the flash bringing the fuckers back to reality.
"Fucking hell!" exclaims Elizabeth and pushes Liam to one side. "Oh my GOD!" cries Liam as he rolls onto his back and ejaculates, his cum shooting out and hitting him in the eye. Elizabeth is on her feet already and running towards Steven, who takes full advantage of her full frontal nudity to snap off a few more shots. Liam's cock pumps several more rounds into the air, some of it landing on his chest, some on the ground and some in his mouth. His eye stings and he is slightly blinded but he lurches to his feet in time to see Miss Cantrell get to hers and crash off through the undergrowth and trees. Within seconds she is lost from sight. Steven has also disappeared in the direction of the school. Blue sparks almost shoot from Elizabeth's eyes as she storms back towards Liam and their tattered clothes.
Evan arrives early to school, the poem tucked tightly in his left hand. A quick scan reveals an empty corridor and he hurries to Liam's locker, checking once more for intruders before he arrives. What he sees when he gets there is enough to make his heart skip a beat. Four or five photos are stuck to Liam's locker, each depicting the lovers in their final throes of passion. It is perfectly obvious who the two participants are. Then he notices another person in the corner of one photo, a teacher he has seen around school but whose name he can't recall. He looks again at Liam, at the contorted expression on his face as of one in sublime ecstasy. Bile rises to his throat and turns and rushes to the toilets, covering his mouth with his hand.
Jane B
Liam leans down to kiss Elizabeth gently on the lips. They look into each others eyes and smile. Without speaking she reaches to her waist and slowly pulls up her wet shirt, exposing her breasts to him. He stares at them in appreciation and she asks "Do you like seeing my tits?" He smirks. "I've seen them before." "When?" she asks, a touch of confusion touching her face. "The day I came into your room and felt you up before your mom showed up. Before that I was at your window and saw you masturbating." He moves closer and whispers into her ear. "I heard you saying my name..." "You fucking bastard..." she says, but smirks. "When were you planning on telling me?" "I just did tell you" he says, kissing her ear. "How about you?" she asks, almost inaudibly. "Who do you think of when you've got your cock in your hand at night?" "You." He continues kissing her. "Only you." She's a little skeptical, but smiles to herself. "Well" she tells him, pushing him gently up to a sitting position. "That deserves a reward. Stand up." He does and she unbuttons his pants, sliding them to the ground. His underwear follow and he kicks them aside. She kneels in front of him, his erect penis standing before her. She takes his cock gently in her hands and rubs it lightly against her cheek, then looks up at him. "Spit on my face." Liam's eyes widen. "What?" "Spit on me" she says, smiling mischievously at him. "Tonight I'm going to be your suck slut, but you do as I say. Spit in my mouth," she adds, holding out her tongue. He doesn't move, completely shocked. He just stares down at her tongue hanging from between her beautiful lips, her cute face looking up at him, and he freezes. That is until she gives his balls a firm squeeze, and he holds back a small cry. "Do it" she tells him. He spends a moment collecting some saliva, then hesitates for one more second before spitting in her face. The spit hits directly between her eyes, her eyelids closing with a slight start. She re-opens them as the spit runs slowly down the sides of her nose, mixing with the rain as she grins. "Again." He spits on her a second time, hitting her in the forehead, then continues to spit on her cheeks, across her forehead, on her chin, a few landing directly in her mouth. He keeps going until her face is coated with a thin sheen of saliva, her eyes closed to the sky as rain continues to slowly nullify his work. She rubs his cock gently against her face as she moans to herself. "You like that, don't you?" she asks. "I can feel it through your cock... you're a lot harder than you were before. You like the idea of spitting on me. It turns you on. Abuse makes you hard." By now the rain has diminished the spit to the point where she can open her eyes, and she looks up at him. He can't look away from her eyes, they completely rivet him... "Now slap me." "No, Elizabeth..." She digs her fingers into the shaft of his cock and this time he can't suppress his sudden cry. "Don't tell me what to do!" she hisses at him. "And don't fucking lie to me. I know that you want it. You want power over the girl, you want to dominate. I feel how hard you are, you can't deny this." She gives his cock a gentler squeeze and he remains still, looking like a deer in headlights. She sneers. "Jesus christ, look at you. Can't you act like a man? Fucking do it. Do what you've always really wanted to do, you stupid little fucking pussy-" She's interrupted as Liam smashes her full force across the face. The power of the blow throws her to the ground and he can feel a little saliva hanging from his closed fist. She props herself up on an elbow, slightly disbelieving, and reaches up to her cheek. Inspecting her fingers she sees blood and spends a long moment staring at it. Then, silently, she crawls back to him and slides her mouth over his cock. She sucks him fiercely, bobbing up and down quickly, taking him slightly deeper each time. Soon she's swallowing him further than is comfortable for her without hesitation and she's slightly surprised when he grabs the back of her head, forcing her down upon him. He buries his cock as far into her throat as he can and she can feel his head rub against her tonsils. She starts to choke but he holds her there for a few more moments, listening to her try to draw air before letting her go. Her hand goes to her mouth as she coughs, a little spit dripping from her chin. He strokes himself gently and says "I'm gonna come soon. I wanna do it on your face." "No!" she yells, regaining her composure and instantly re-asserting her control of the situation. "You're not gonna come on my face. Jesus, show some fucking respect!" He looks confused. "But you said-" "Get your hands off your cock!" Without thinking his hands jump into the air. "That's right. Now put them behind your head." He does as he's told and looks at her curiously. She slinks back in front of him and watches his cock, but doesn't touch. She scrutinizes it, her face very close as she says "We need to calm you down. We're going too fast. I'm not finished with you." Her mouth is beside the head of his penis as she looks up at him. Very slowly she whispers "You're... not going... to cum yet..." The sensation of her warm breath against him is too much and with a groan a thick stream of cum shoots onto her face, causing her to jump. Another hits her before she can consciously react, grabbing his dick and sliding it into her mouth. She feels his cock expand very slightly with each load he shoots into her, his moans rising into the sky as more and more semen fires into her mouth. He finally finishes and pulls out, panting heavily. She swallows some of his cum and spits the rest of the mouthful into the grass, sloppily enough to allow some of it to run down her chin. "That was very bad" she tells him. "Come here." His muscles are gone, so relaxed that he can barely move. She grabs him by the head and forces him down to her crotch, pulling down her boxers. "You're going to have to pay for that." A stream of hot urine hits him in the face. He tries vainly to move away but she holds him. "Don't move!" she tells him. "Open your mouth. Taste it!" His eyes close tightly and he does as she asks, opening his mouth just wide enough for her to aim her stream of piss inside. His gag reflex takes over instantly, jerking his head to the side and loosing him from her grip. He falls to the ground, trying to spit the taste from his mouth as she continues to piss on him, chuckling to herself. She covers a good portion of his back and starts to wet his hair before her bladder finally runs dry. She looks up at the sky and smiles a wide smile, digging her fingernails into her hand. She's glad that it's raining. They're going to need to be washed off by the time she's finished.
Liam checks her breath -- she's not drunk. He checks her eyes -- she's not stoned, either. Ain't nothin' like the real thing, he thinks. They shuck off the rest of their clothes... Contact! The rainfall turns to applause as the crowd in Liam's head goes wild. Elizabeth exhales contentedly. Liam goes softly at first, then deeper, a little bit faster, a little bit harder, harder... Clang! Liam pauses -- something, it seems, is amiss. He starts again. Clang! Clang! Metal against metal. He takes a longer pause. Elizabeth reaches for his face. "What's wrong? Why did you stop?" "I know it sounds crazy but... are you a robot?" Looking him straight in the eyes, her head jerks too far forward with a pneumatic hiss. "Would that be a problem?" Liam feels like he's been pausing forever, but he takes a moment to look to the horizon and consider things. Elizabeth opens her abdominal panel and rearranges her innards to reduce the clanging. "No, no problem," he replies as though the answer hit him on the back of the head. He looks downward and resumes. A few pumps later, her head shoots up again. "Why not?" He doesn't stop this time: "Well, it makes sense, really (Unh!) Nothing else explains how perfect you are. And to tell the truth, I gave up on making a meaningful (Oomph!) human connection a long, long time ago. It's great, really. I mean, (Unh!) you're smart, beautiful -- warm and squishy in all the right places. And now, (Hork!) I know you'll stay that way forever... How could that be a problem?" "I've got good news for you." She smiles and opens his chest panel. They shuck off their skins and interface for the rest of the night... ... Liam's tattered wool blanket is soaked through. Elizabeth bends down with a damp cloth and pats him on the head with it. His eyes widen. "Oh, I had the most fabulous dream; I was making love to you -- and we were going to live forever, and-- and there was philosophy!" "Shh, calm down. Let me tend to your wound." She pulls his sleeve up to get at the blood-clotted bandage covering the festering bite he'd gotten while fending off the latest wave of zombies, two days ago. She removes it, and they both frown at the spreading gray infection. "You haven't got long," she says, "so I just want to say... I really like you too. I'm sorry things couldn't have worked out differently." She reaches for her shotgun, and aims its sawed-off barrels at Liam's head. "Thank you," Liam says, closing his eyes, leaning his head on the concrete wall. "You're welcome," she says right before pulling the trigger.
Apologies in advance if I offend anyone – I don't care.
This is the last sentence of Keith's story: They slip to the ground and he looks into her eyes as she lays against the wet grass, the rain falling against his back. My Story: Her mouth opens over his and their tongues meet like two dolphins copulating in an aquatic theme park. Saliva and bacteria are transferred on the express highway that is their kiss. He reaches one hand up and strokes back her rain slick hair out of her face. She hums in delight and closes her eyes to focus on the kiss. "What the fuck - is she humming?!?", thinks Liam, "What is she? A fucking hummingbird? Hey, whoa, welcome to hard-on city. I'm barring up here." Elizabeth peaks from beneath eyelashes and sees that Liam has also closed his eyes. "He's living for the moment", she thinks. "He realizes this is more than just physical lust, this is the melding of two souls. There are no two like us in the world, and we deserve each other. We're so much alike, it's beautiful. I bet he's even thinking that same stuff I am." "Fuck, I hope I still got that condom in my wallet", Liam's hormone addled brain exclaims. "Hmmph !!!" he groans and involuntarily twitches towards his wallet like a tourist in Tijuana. Elizabeth opens her eyes and looks at him, shooting him a glance asking whether he is ok. "Think quick dude, think quick - hum, yeah motherfucker, give this bitch some humming." "Hmmmmmm" Liam hums, giving her a sly smile full of lust. They re-engage their kiss with all the force of a three car pileup.
"Fucken pervert. And is Adrian cutting himself back there? Yeah, looks like he is. What's wrong with these kids ? Are they all friggen down syndrome or what? "Well, I know Jessica, Lindsey and Hillary aren't that dumb, but that doesn't change the fact that they are sluts. Dirty, filthy sluts. I mean, look at Hillary. This Evan kid is in school barely a week and she's already all over him let a wet rag. And judging by the look in that girls eyes, wet rag is probably the state her panties. Slut. "And Jessica, she thought she could fit her ass into that skirt she wore that time. Just barely sunshine, just barely. Time to get off the McDonald's. "Lindsey isn't as blatant about her slutiness at least. That is until you walk into the toilets - boys AND girls. Her name appears in those stalls about three time to every other name penned there. And if Lindsey CAN really do half the tricks mentioned there, she has a fine career as a porn star ahead of her. She and that Lannie girl, wherever she is today. She must still be sick or something." A small voice shakes Jennifer out of her black thoughts. It's Steven. "Miss Cantrell, may I please go to the library and get a book to help me with this work?" The Adrian kid snickers and begins a new carving, but for Jennifer the words set of lightbulbs in her head. "Good idea Steven. In fact everyone can go down to the library and find one book each to use for this essay. I'll be there shortly, so behave". The students groan at the possibility, but they all know the library means having a bludge, so the groaning isn't too loud. The students pack up and shuffle out of the classroom. Jennifer waits for them all to leave and the noise to fade from the hallway. Noise that would match a herd of elephant charging, but that's school kids for you. Jennifer turns back to the rain-spattered window and lets a smile creep onto her face. She takes off her coat and her shoes and walks into the hallway.
"Pass the dooby man" drawls Carl to Lenny. Lenny takes another toke and passes the diminishing joint to Carl. Jeff lounges beside them eating some poor kid's lunch. "How tightass is this kid's mother man, I mean, fuck, all she gave him was a small pack of chips and an apple. A fucking apple man. What is she? A dentist? I hope to god she gave him some money to buy food as well as this shit today, cos, fuck man, this food wouldn't feed a boatload of refugees fresh out of Asia. Man." "Fuck up Jeff", says Carl between short coughs. They all laugh and look back into the rain, expressions of deep thought on their face. "I need to get laid" thinks Lenny. "I need to get some tail" thinks Carl. "A fuckin apple man" thinks Jeff. But suddenly a white, bedraggled figure interrupts their musings. Carl stubs out the scoobie and hides it under his shirt as Jeff shoves away the stolen lunch. But the figure doesn't see them in the rain and keeps moving. "Missed us. Lucky", says Lenny. "Dude, that was Cantrell!" exclaims Carl. "The one with the legs?" "The legs and everything fucking else man." "Tits, for example" points out Jeff. "So what the hell is she doing out in this weather?" asks Lenny. "Lets go find out chief" says Carl as he gets to his feet and pockets the joint. "Don't call him 'Chief'!" yells Jeff as he dusts off the apple and follows them into the rain.
"This is the most beautiful kiss I've ever had" thinks Elizabeth as she pulls Liam closer to her, wrapping her arms around his waist. "Ok, enough with the kissing gear, when am I going to get some attention-to-cock gear hey?" thinks Liam as he maneuvers his head into an angle where he can breathe easier. He recalls something he learned a long time ago at his old school with the first chick he ever slept with: "Keep the nasal passages clear and you can hold a kiss forever." Now, 5 women later, that advice still holds true. He smiles and shifts his dick to rub more pleasurably against Liz. He tries to put thoughts of his wing wang aside and focuses on not rushing things. Virgins get scared so easily. Elizabeth feels Liam press his clothed cock into her naked genitals - "Damn, I shoulda at least put some panties on" - and squirms in delight. She soon forgets her worries about her partial nudity, knowing deep in heart that even if they were fully naked Liam would not take advantage of her. There is more to them than just lust. There is a connection they are about to make even deeper. Liam slyly checks his watch. It's been long enough, time to speed things up.
"Being raped up the arse by a broom handle covered in chili paste would be more fun than working another day there" she thinks. She steps through a bit of scrub and is stopped by some humming. "A hummingbird? Here?" She turns slowly around, listening closely, and then tracks the sound to behind some bushes. Tip-toeing silently towards the bush, Jennifer hopes to catch a glimpse of the little bird. But what she DOES see stops her dead, a breath caught in her throat much like a chicken thigh lodged in the throat of an overweight businessman. On the ground barely meters in front of her is Liam slowly dry-humping (if it can be called 'dry' in the rain) a semi-naked Elizabeth. A distant part of her brain tells her to turn around and leave, but hormones soon isolate that part of the brain and shut it down quicker than you can say "My teacher's a voyeur". She hunches down, steadying herself with one hand as the other sneaks down to her panties.
"Fucken beavers man", pants Lenny in between laughs. "That ain't no beaver man, it's a koala bear" replies Carl. "There's no koala bears in our country ya tool. They're from Australia dude." "Yeah, but remember that Simpsons episode, when they went 'Down Under' and brought back a koala on the helicopter, and it bred and shit all over the place." "Oh...yeah. Shit man, maybe it is a koala." "Bet it ain't eating no pissy apples whatever the fuck it is" mumbles Jeff through his mouthful of apple. Carl sits up in a hurry - "Dude, Cantrell, where did she go?" They all look around, perplexed until Jeff's nose twitches. "I smell pussy." "You don't smell shit man, eat ya fuckin apple" retorts Carl. "Dude, would I lie about pussy, I smell pussy." "He's right you know" says Lenny, "He never lies about pussy. He's to pussy what a Hoover is to carpet man." Carl nods in agreement. Jeff gets up, taking a sniff, and the boys follow him behind some scrub. Looking over a bush they see a drenched Ms. Cantrell, hunched down and peering through the bushes in front of her. "Dude, its Legs!" exclaims Lenny. "Dude, she's getting off!" replies Carl, even more excited. "I smell two pussies" says Jeff, taking another bite of his apple. The other two look at him with disbelief on their face. "Serious man, I smell two." They turn and look back at Jennifer. It becomes apparent her attention is more than focused on something happening in the bushes in front of her. "Two pussies man, serious" reiterates Jeff. "Maybe she's watching someone getting off?" wonders Carl. "Or some people getting off. I've fucked in these woods before" says Lenny. Carl laughs, "You've fucked someone out here? Bullshit. Who, fucker?" "Ya mother." The boys piss themselves laughing and stumble into the bush in front of them, making it rustle and shake. Ms. Cantrell jerks her head upright and slowly turns around. The boys freeze in place.
"You'd at least think with heads like that they'd have nice personalities." "Fuck man, don't get out of my way or anything bitch." "Warning, warning, slut brigade." "Hey Lindsey, Lindsey, I have this strange rash on my penis and I thought...Lindsey?" The girls reach the doors and leave the school behind for another day. "So, like, what do you want to do tonight?" asks Jessica. "Hil will probably be off with her new 'boyfriend'. Mr. Looks-Is-All-That-Matters!!" replies Lindsey sarcastically. Hillary shoots Lindsey a tired glance. "Hardly. It gets so... tiresome having him around the time." "Oh really, then it won't bother you that he's coming this way" points out Lindsey. "Really!?!?!" exclaims Hillary with a girlish squeal, and turns to look for him. "Hi Hillary" says Evan, giving her a peck on the cheek, "Hi girls". "Hello Evan" Jessica and Lindsey reply dryly. Shit on their shoe would get more respect. "I've been thinking about what you said today Hil, and you're probably right, so can I walk you..." he looks at the other two with resignation, "and your friends home?" "Sure Evan" Hillary answers delightedly before the other two can say a word. "We'll take a quick short cut through the woods. That ok with you?" "Sure" replies Evan flatly, "Since when did a little rain hurt anyone?" Hillary takes Evan's arm and they head off over the oval. Jessica and Lindsey look at each other, sigh, and follow the couple into the rain.
Before Steven could dwell any further on his thoughts a giggling ahead of him distracted him. He pulled aside a bush to see three guys from school, Lenny, Carl and Jeff, fall through a bush in front of a crouched over, bedraggled Ms. Cantrell.
"Fucking Jeff" thought Carl. "Fucking Jeff" thought Lenny. Jennifer, already driven almost insane by her unrequited passion ignored all warnings in her head and fell into the kiss. Jeff held it for a couple of minutes before slowly waving Carl and Lenny over. The two fellas looked at each other. "All of us?" asked Lenny. "Looks like it" replied Carl. "I dunno, what ya reckon?" asked Lenny. "Well, we did do it once with that Lannie slut", replied Carl. "True. But dude, teacher." "She's hardly saying no there." "True again. Ah.......fuckit, let's do it." "Top work, tiger." Lenny and Carl get up and walk over to the duo of Jeff and Jennifer.
"Yeah, I got you right where I want you baby. You're liking this, ain't you" thinks Liam, "Who's ya daddy?" "This is beautiful" thinks Liz. "I just wish....I shouldn't complain....ohh....but fuck Liam, rub a little higher would you!!! For the love of god, just a little higher." Elizabeth shifts her pelvis down a little, hoping that his hand will end up in the right place. He duly compensates by moving his hand down, convinced he is in the right spot. Liam has already lost his shirt, and slowly removes his hand from Liz's love cave, reaching up to undo his pants. "Wait Liam..." stutters Elizabeth. "Fucking virgins man" thinks Liam. "Yeah?" "Is this the right thing to do?" she asks. "I think it is. But it's gotta be right for both of us. So if you don't feel comfortable, just tell me, and I'll stop. Ok?" Liam has selected virgin comforter phrase number 5 for this afternoon. She melts under his comforting words. "You're right, this is right. I love you Liam." Warning Will Robinson, Warning. The 'L' word. Now it's a battle between Liam's brain and his penis. The brain warns of serious commitment. The penis reminds the brain of imminent sex. The battle is over in 3.4 seconds. Total Knockout to penis. "I love you too Elizabeth." She reaches down and undoes his pants. "Have you got protection?" she asks nervously. "I do, just relax, everything will be fine." Liam responds as he digs out his wallet. "I wish the rain would fuck off", he thinks as he digs into a compartment in his wallet.
"What's going o..." asks Hillary before Evan raises a hand silencing her. "What?" she asks in more subdued tones. "Look for yourself. Just keep quiet. All of you", he replies. The girls look at each other dubiously, then peer over the bushes. Hillary blushes, Jessica looks away, then looks back, and Lindsey stifles a giggle. "They're doing it!!!" Hillary exclaims. "I said be quiet dumbass" replies Evan, not looking away from the scene in front of him. In front of them both Liam and Elizabeth are naked on the ground, their clothes tossed aside, and Liam is fumbling with a condom. Evan lets his gaze roam over Liam's naked body. "Nice. Very nice." he thinks. He looks at Liam, mentally assessing what he sees. A nice tan. Good body, he keeps in shape. Not too much body hair. Good. And nice ass. Very nice. So far so good, now all he needs is a good look at the boys' cock. And right on cue Liam rolls over a little so as to roll the condom on. Evan smiles a little wider. Nice. Not the biggest he's ever seen, but it will certainly do the trick. The real big ones tend to be a little uncomfortable anyway. "Maybe we should leave, Evan?" whispers Hillary. Evan finally looks away and spears her with a look. "Not on your life." He turns back to continue watching the scene, one of his hands in his pockets slowly stroking himself. Hillary looks to her friends, seeing Lindsey watching the proceedings with delight and Jessica trying not to look but failing miserably. With a sigh she turns and peers back through the bushes.
"What am I doing?!?! These are my students!" her brain screams, escaping from the lockdown of her hormones. Jeff recognizes the hesitation in her eyes and once again takes her with a kiss. Carl starts rubbing her breasts and reaches around to undo her bra. Lenny unzips his fly and starts warming himself up for the marathon to come. "Well, I did do this a couple time back when I was a kid", Jennifer thinks. "But the last time was at least 5 years ago. I'm a more mature respectable person now." Carl takes one of her nipples in her mouth and rolls his tongue around it. "Ahhhh..." she moans. The hormones regain control of her brain and she gives in to the boys. Jeff, who was waiting for this sign breaks off the kiss and moves back a bit. Lenny steps up to Jen and rubs his half-mast dick across her face. Her tongue flicks out on reflex and gently brushes the head of his cock. Lenny capitalizes on the moment and slowly presses his dick in between Jennifer's mouth. She opens her mouth and takes him in, running her tongue up his shaft, sliding down his cock till the end of it bumps against the back of her throat. Lenny looks to the others and smiles. Thunderbirds are Go. Jeff and Carl both unzip their pants and stand next to Lenny. Before she knows it Jen has three cocks in her face, all demanding attention of the oral kind. "Welcome to the dick buffet, bitch", thinks Jeff as she takes a lick of his cock.
Elizabeth nods and lies back, trying to relax. "Too easy", thinks Liam as he positions himself above her and tries to slide his dick home. "Hmph…..bit tight", he thinks as he attempts to get it in. And with that he guides himself deep inside of Elizabeth. She stiffens, but more out of shock of the new sensation than any real pain. And slowly Liam begins to pump against her. "It's... weird", thinks Liz. "Not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. A bit uncomfortable, but not exactly... bad." "Oh yeah, who's ya daddy!" thinks Liam.
"Can't she take a hint, I'm fucking gay. This is disgusting." But before he can move away he sees something more interesting on his other side. Jessica and Lindsey are touching each other. And more than friends type touches. Jess has her hand on Lindsey's ass, while Lindsey traces her hands lazily up and down Jessica's back. "Dirty lesbians. Heh. I wonder if Hillary knows. Doubt it.", thinks Evan, content to let Hillary touch him while he watches this new development. Hillary takes the lack of outright rejection as a good sign, and begins to move her hand up and down on his crotch. Evan responds not in the slightest. Jessica and Lindsey turn to each and begin to kiss, slowly but deeply. "Dykes always kiss like that", thinks Evan.
"I knew I could turn him" she thinks. "What a slut" he thinks. Before too long they are both naked on the ground. Hillary doesn't mind her friends might be watching, she's had sex in front of them before. Things like that just tend to happen at some parties. And Evan doesn't really give a rats arse whether they are watching or not. They could be licking each other out for all he cares. Which isn't far from the truth. Lindsey and Jessica have each other topless, and Lindsey is tracing kisses and small love bites up Jessica's neck. Evan looks down at Hillary lying on the ground between his outstretched arms. He hasn't done this for quite some time, and doesn't particularly enjoy the prospect of doing it again now. But a quick glance through the bush reminds him of his goal. And so he closes his eyes and slides his dick into Hillary. He almost laughs as he does. "How loose is this bitch?!?! I better not be catching any diseases," he thinks. He begins pumping in and out of Hillary, using his imagination as best he can to simply keep himself erect. A quick glance tossed over his shoulder tells him Hillary's friends will be busy for some time to come. Lindsey is lying down masturbating as Jessica sucks on a nipple. The other of Jessica's hands traces patterns gently high up on Lindsey's thigh. Oh yes, they'll be busy for a while. Evan looks back down at Hillary's face. Her eyes are closed and she seems focused on an impending orgasm. Evan looks back through the bushes at Liam. He takes a deep breath, grabs Hillary tightly, and rolls into the bush, towards Liam and Elizabeth.
"12 times 10 is 120. 12 times 11 is 132..." he recites in his brain. Mental mathematics. Always a good orgasm delayer. Or think of your grandma naked, one of the two. The Multiplication tables one is less painful though. "This is the most beautiful day of my life," thinks Elizabeth. "Everything is so perfect, including this. I never knew what I was missing out on. But what I was missing out on was Liam. This is not just sex. I could have sex with anybody. This is more than that. This is about us. A meeting of souls made physical by an intertwining of flesh. This is…perfect." "13 times 5 is 65. 13 times 6 is 78..." Liam looks down to see Elizabeth's eyes shut in concentration. Her hands grab his bum and pull him closer towards her. He smiles and gives her a deeper thrust. But suddenly from the bushes behind him comes a rustle that she does not hear. He turns his head to see another couple roll from the bushes, both fully naked and obviously having sex. He freezes for a moment until the guy looks up at him. It's Evan! The new guy. From the team. Evan gives a look of surprise as well for a moment, then smiles slyly, winks, and turns back to the chick he is rooting. Liam doesn't know what to do, until he decides to follow Evan's lead. What harm can there be, and he doesn't want to stop now. "Fuck, I lost count" he thinks as he drives himself home again.
"Gotta make it look like I don't care. Like I'm too busy worrying about this." Hillary has noticed the other couple, but this doesn't seem to bother her either. She's been there, done that before. Many times. Evan continues to hump Hillary as he shuffles them closer to Liam and Elizabeth.
"Like, hello, you're licking my box here. Not a good time to stop," whines Jessica. "Where's Hil and the dickhead?" asks Lindsey, ignoring Jessica's complaints. "I don't know, probably rooting each other's brains out. Which is something I wouldn't mind. I mean, look, I'm masturbating now ok, masturbating. If I lose this orgasm you are so dead." But Lindsey's eye has caught view of something else. Evan and Hillary, having sex like bunnies, almost side by side with Liam and Elizabeth. Lindsey chuckles. Little slut. She gets up and reaches for Jessica's hand. "Come on, we're going to have even more fun. Bring your bag too." Jessica grabs her bag and is led by Lindsey through the bushes into the clearing.
"Oh yeah….." she thinks, "This is what I needed. I haven't been laid since I got to this hole of a town." She feels a dick pressed into her face and opens wide to accept it. She opens her eyes to see Lenny and Carl standing in front of her, Lenny with his penis in her mouth, and Carl with his in his hands. She removes her mouth from around Lenny's knob and says coyly to Carl, "You know, I'm sure there's something behind me that needs some attention." Carl turns and grins to Lenny. "Dude." "Nice." Carl walks behind Jennifer as she begins sucking on Lenny's dick again. She finds it hard to give good head now, with all the attention she's getting downstairs from Jeff. They've fallen into a nice easy rhythm and she's pleased to see he's not afraid to use his hands either. He'll gently stroke her clit, or massage her breasts or nipples, occasionally giving her ass a firm squeeze. And then she feels another sensation from behind. Carl is gently fingering her anus. Just one finger first, using natural lubrication from the intercourse of herself and Jeff. "These boys have a fair idea of what to do", Jennifer thinks in a surprised kind of way. Carl works one finger further and further in, sliding it in and out gently, letting her muscles relax around the intrusion. She lets that part of the situation go to the back of her mind as she focuses on the sex she is having with Jeff. Her stomach is starting to flutter somewhat, it's feeling good. She opens her eyes and looks at Lenny, looks like he is enjoying this too.
"What the fuck...!?!?"
"'k", Jess responds. Lindsey walks over to Liam's heaving back and traces her nails down his spine. He jumps, startled, and turns to see who's there. Lindsey takes the opportunity to lean down and kisses Liz. Elizabeth reflexively jerks her head back, but the ground beneath her leaves her nowhere to go. But after a second or two of shock she begins to return the kiss. Liam watches with disbelief. "Need a camera, need a freaking camera", he thinks, before continuing to have sex with Elizabeth. Having a girl in between them made things a bit more difficult, but Liam was hardly going to argue.
"Am I in hell? What did I do wrong? I'm a gay man in a straight man's goddamn fantasy!!!" Evan fumes to himself. He looks over to Liam and sees that Lindsey has involved herself. "Maybe there's hope yet..." he consoles himself, as Jessica reaches around him to tweak one of Hillary's nipples.
"Dude..." the boys say in unison.
"How much weirder can this sex get?" he wonders. "Well at least there's some guys in there. Gives me more of a chance at least." He looks at Jessica and Hillary, but once again they don't care about the audience.
"Jen...? Carl? Lenny? Jeff? What. The. Fuck." asks Liam in complete confusion. Just what sort of day is this turning into anyway? He looks down at Elizabeth to see his look of confusion mirrored by hers. They shrug to each other as if to say, well, we've gone this far, why stop now, and re-engage their kissing and humping. Lindsey gets between their legs and begins licking Liam's nuts.
"Er... it's me. Um, Steven" replies Steven. "Steven?" Lannie asks. As he steps from the bushes she recognizes him. "Oh, you Steven. What are you doing here?" He nervously tries not too look at her nudity and says "Um, well, I was just walking home and I heard some noise and I stopped for a look and..." "And you saw her sucking my dick. And decided to watch. Is that it freak?" demands Craig threateningly. "NO! No, no, there's other people, er, over there..." with a general indication towards Ms Cantrell and the three boys. "What are they doing Steven?" asks Lannie, making a guess based on the embarrassment on his face. "Um, sorta what you two are doing, except there's more" Steven replies. "More?" "More people." "Really!" exclaims Lannie. "C'mon you, let's go have a look" she tells Craig. Craig looks from his dick, to Lannie, to his dick, and to Steven. "This better be worth it." "Lead the way Steven" orders Lannie.
"This is a little weird" comments Carl. "Totally dude" replies Lenny. "What do we do?" asks Carl. "Get something to eat" replies Jeff hopefully. "Nah, what we need right here is an icebreaker of some sort. Dunno what though" says Lenny.
"Well, well, well – what do we have here?" demands Lannie in a loud voice. Everyone stops. Everything is silent. All eyes are on Lannie. And then Lindsey giggles. "Can anyone join this party, or is it invite only?" asks Lannie. "Consider yourself invited bitch" calls back Lindsey, and the two giggle even harder. Lindsey gets up from in between Liam and Elizabeth and walks towards Lannie. The two meet in an embrace and kiss, and slowly lower themselves to the ground. Craig doesn't waste anytime in sticking his dick between their mouths.
"Whatta we do?" asks Lenny. "Take your pick dude" replies Jeff. He gets up, ambles over to the Evan, Hillary and Jessica union, and joins in. Soon there is groping from all parties, including Evan, but Jeff doesn't seem to care, groping right back. Lenny and Carl look at each other. "Take your pick" they echo. Lenny follows the Lindsey/Lannie action, where as Carl eyes off Jen's ass in the air and decide to have another shot at it.
Evan has slyly been feeling Jeff up, as well as making passes at the other girls, so as not to make it too obvious. It doesn't seem to bother Jeff though, and Evan gets more confidence. Jeff seems to have no fear at all. He guides Jessica's head down to between Hillary's legs, then positions himself behind Jessica. Using the natural wetness from beneath her legs he gently lubes her ass, and then spreads her cheeks to accept him. She barely tenses up as he slides his dick all the way up her ass, but effects are noticeable in Hillary as Jessica increases the tempo of her licking. Evan takes all this in, and as he debates what he should do next Jeff looks him in the eye. Unspoken words are sent between them. Evan moves behind Jeff, Jeff bends over Jessica and allows Evan to enter him. The four of them groan in pleasure.
"Lannie..." he replies. "Come on, I'll still let you blow on my face, just do me in the ass", she begs. He agrees and without any fuss buries himself up to his balls in her ass.
"I wouldn't mind some ass fucking" he thinks. He puts his head down by Elizabeth's ear and says "You want to try something different?" By now Elizabeth is almost on 7th heaven, her eyes glazed over, and so almost immediately says "Ok". "Ok, get on your hands and knees." She does it, no questions asked. He looks around once more, and then slips his already vagina-juice slick dick into her ass very slowly. She tenses at first, and he pulls out some, but she reaches around and says "No, keep going". Very slowly he slides it in as far as it will go. He starts the steady rhythm of fucking her again.
"Smile" Lannie says to Elizabeth. "What?" replies Elizabeth in between gasps. "Smile" says Lannie again. "Why?" questions Elizabeth. "Smile – because it's all you can do when taking it up the ass" replies Lannie.
Kudos to Donkey, Jane (of Make No Sound fame, hope she doesn't mind I borrowed some characters) and Badger.
![]() Keith M Laying in the grass, Liam looks down at Elizabeth. There's a smile on her face as she looks up at him, and as soon as he glances at her eyes he's locked in. He's drawn into her pupils and feels a swelling in his chest; he knows that he can see deep inside of her, that he feels what she feels, that he knows what she knows. The world seems clearer when he's with her, the future open... he doesn't want to be anywhere else, he just wants to stay here with her forever... He feels her hand run gently down to his zipper and rest there momentarily. A frown touches her face. "What's wrong?" "I dunno..." He smiles at her. "I'm blinded by science." She stares at him for a second before they burst out laughing, collapsing on top of one another, the sound rising into the sky.