That's right, kiddies... pull up
your chairs, because for the first time in the history of the Internet, a man is eating
Tamarind on camera for your edification. Wh00t!
For those of you who don't know what
"tamarind" is, the fine folks over at
have been calling it the worst candy on the face of the planet for several years now.
It's gained something of a cult following status at this point, kinda like
japscat... only (marginally) less unhealthy. It's been described as having a
consistency "like road tar in your mouth", and tasting "salty, sweet, sour,
and like old fish." Wow! Gotta get me some of that!
Well, Keith M got himself some Tamarind last
month so's he could see what that stuff was all about... and discovered the folks at
bad-candy weren't bullshittin. The stuff was so horrid, he wished afterwards that
he'd set up a tape recorder so we could listen to his actual agonized screaming and
mouth-rinsing, as opposed to the stream-of-consciousness dictation his buddy took down.
AHA... fuck an audio tape, I thought - time to
go buy a webcam!
What follows is the first ever video record of
one man and his tamarind. Enjoy.